Birth story - Stevie and baby girl
On 22/10, my “due date”, I went about my day as if it were a normal day, walked the dog in the forest, did the food shop, cooked my husband and I some dinner and went to bed feeling completely normal and relaxed at around 22:30.
At this stage of pregnancy, whenever you wake in the night, it’s seen as an opportunity to empty your bladder as you’re awake anyway. I got out of bed at 1:20am feeling completely normal, and immediately felt liquid trickling down my legs. “Could I have wet myself?”... it didn’t feel like it, so woke my husband to tell him I think my waters had gone.
I went to the bathroom and felt a very gentle surge, got back into bed to try and rest but another surge was on its way. I got back out of bed as felt more comfortable walking around. I was completely calm and excited to know we would meet our baby soon.
My husband decided to start timing my surges and they were already lasting 30 seconds every 3 minutes. We lit some candles at home, played music and made sure we had everything ready for the hospital.
By 3am my surges were lasting 45-55 seconds about every 2-3 minutes, my husband tried persuading me that we should leave for the hospital but I didn’t feel that I was ready yet and didn’t want to slow things down with the car journey.
Things ramped up by 4am but I still felt completely calm and confident that my body could birth our baby. We left for the hospital but I could feel the pressure of the baby on my seat so had to travel to the hospital hugging the headrest on my knees.
We arrived at the hospital at 4:25am and my pool was immediately ran, I was offered an examination which I refused, partly because I didn’t want to slow things down and it wasn’t necessary, and partly because I didn’t need one to know our baby was on her way.
The pool gave me instant relief in my back, and I relaxed even more than I already had been. I soon felt the sensation to push and listened to my body, I was surprised by my instincts and also surprised that everything I had learnt was working! I could feel her head coming down, and going back up, and just like I’d learnt, knew this was happening to allow my body to birth her gently with causing me too much discomfort.
2 hours later our beautiful baby girls head was born and the rest of her just seconds after. I was given an hour to birth the placenta myself and no stitches were needed. I believe this was because I only pushed when my body told me, and because I was calm and relaxed. I think our birth story would’ve been completely different if it wasn’t for the positive birth company and for Siobhan for sharing her knowledge. I’d do it all again tomorrow, it really was the best night of our lives. Thank you x

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