Birth story - Stephanie and baby Layla
*Trigger warning* - use of word contractions (as not a trigger for me), talks about a short hospital admission at 28weeks, reduced movements, talks about a C-section, supporting baby to breath after birth and short stay in NICU.
I was very lucky throughout my pregnancy no major issues, apart from acid which I was on Omeprazole for. I did have a short hospital admission due to the acid and breathlessness but all scans etc came back ok in regards to myself and luckily baby was fine during the stay and kicking away as normal. Throughout the pregnancy we always knew that baby was breech but at one of the last appointments from my midwife she had stated that baby had turned and was head down. I then saw a different midwife at my 35 week appointment whom wasn’t convinced that baby was head down and would inform my normal midwife of this!
On Monday & the Tuesday prior to the birth (20th & 21st of June) I was going about my daily routine (luckily I broke up from work at 34 weeks) and I was getting uncomfortable pains which I put down to Braxton hicks. With this being my first pregnancy I had no clue what Braxton hicks felt like (looking back now I was in very early labour).
On the Monday I did go into hospital due to reduced/change in pattern of movements from baby. Baby was not as active as normal but I went in and baby was fine. I did inform the midwife of my discomfort and both agreed it was Braxton hicks.
I just breathed through the ‘Braxton hicks’ using my up breathing I learnt from the Positive Birth Company book and online course as they were uncomfortable but didn’t really hurt
On the Tuesday I had a midwife appointment at home to talk about my birthing plan etc and I was going to raise to her that baby was not head down and that baby was breech as all the kicks I felt were towards my vagina and I had a massive hard bit right under my ribs which I presumed was baby’s head! But my midwife unfortunately couldn’t make the appointment as something else cropped up and she was going to see me on the Wednesday!
Early hours Wednesday morning (22nd June, 37 weeks pregnant) at 1.30am I went to the toilet as I normally did, and I went into spontaneous labour. My waters broke on the toilet. My partner was downstairs at the time and text asking if I was ok as he heard me in the bathroom my text back was ‘no, I think my waters have broke’ to say this was a shock for both of us is an understatement with the baby being 3 weeks early! I thought I still had 3 weeks to chill and prepare for the baby as everyone says ‘your first baby is normally overdue’ well not mine!
My partner hadn’t packed himself a bag so he was running around the house gathering stuff together. I called the hospital to say my waters had broke and there was some blood in the toilet, the midwife asked me to come in to be looked at. I told my partner to take the suitcase and bags just incase they keep me in but at this point I thought they would examine me and send me on my way back home.
On the way to the hospital the contractions were coming which I breathed through them. We arrived at the hospital at 2.10am and waited to be triaged by the midwife. My partner was amazing and when the contractions came he would rub my back and I would do my up breathing through them.
By the time I was seen by the midwife my contractions were coming through thick and fast. Still breathing through them but they were hurting a lot more. I used my BRAIN and I allowed the midwife to examine me internally and externally, she was concerned baby was breech and got the doctor to come have a look. The doctor came through and did an ultrasound and confirmed that baby was breech. I also allowed him to examine me and he confirmed I was fully dilated.
The doctor then spoke to me and my partner and said I had to make a decision quickly if I want to deliver this baby vaginally or have a c section due to the baby being breech, but due to being fully dilated I did not have long to make this decision.
Me and my partner had spoke about scenarios like this and I was very adamant that (personally) I did not want a C-section only if it was absolutely necessary.
Using what we learnt from the online course we spoke about pros and cons and he reminded me what I had previously said. I agreed to a vaginal birth as for me that was the better option.
The midwife took us through to a private room where I was allowed some gas and air but unfortunately due to being too far gone by this point I could not have any other pain relief.
I used my up breathing throughout and my partner coached me through my breathing and used positive affirmations which he learnt from the online course!
The transition stage was the hardest part for me as I did want to give up but my partner kept me positive and coached me through. I then began to ‘moo’ and realised I needed to change my breathing to down breathing.
I remember feeling the ‘ring of fire’ and breathed through this pain.
My beautiful surprise baby girl was born at 4.47am on Wednesday 22nd June!
She did need support breathing at first and was rushed to NICU where she had a few hours stay and was discharged back to the ward with me.
Overall I feel like my birthing experience was very positive to say I delivered vaginally when she was breech! Myself and my partner couldn’t have done it without the resources the Positive Birth Company provide and my partner really did utilise what he learnt which made the outcome so positive as I couldn’t have done it without his coaching.
I have recommended the course and book to so many of my pregnant friends as I do feel like what you learn from it really does help and guide you through labour!

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