Birth story - Steph and baby Eliza
*Trigger warning* - Use of word contractions
After using a hypnobirthing CD with my first baby in 2014 and it working well, I wanted to use it again for my third and came across this course. My first birth was spent in a midwife lead unit and mostly in the water. I was calm throughout and used gas and air only for the pushing stage. I needed an episiotomy due to him being back to back.
My second had a medical condition and I needed to have a planned section with him. I was keen for a VBAC this time.
So at around 30 weeks I did the course and then relistened to parts with my hubby as I got closed to due date.
On Friday night, I started to get tightenings during the night. I got up and started to notice them getting more frequent and painful. I went off for a walk with the family, which helped them progress. When I got back from the walk, I asked my parents to come and get my children as the contractions were painful and 3 in 10 mins. The hospital asked me to come in.
When I arrived at 4.15pm, I was using my up breathing through contractions and they were getting more and more intense and regular. As soon as the midwife saw me, she said I was in established labour and my hubby was allowed in. They examined me and said I was 6cm. I asked to get in the pool. They weren't sure initially due to my previous section, I needed to be monitored more closely and babies heartbeat needed to be heard at all times. Anyway, they agreed and I got in. It was lovely for about 15 mins and then I said I needed more pain relief and I got some gas and air. The pain was all in my back and I asked if baby was back to back. They said no. I soon said I needed to push (at this point my waters hadn't broken). The midwife said to listen to my body and that she didn't want to examine me again unless necessary - I was pleased. So I started to push.
I was quite out of it and felt that I lost control for the last bit. I think the gas and air impacted on me a lot. Anyway, babies head was crowning and then my waters broke (around 10 mins before delivery), but her heart rate started to drop on contractions. They got me out of the pool and lay me on my back to give me an episiotomy. Eliza came out back to back, weighing a whopping 10Ib 9oz at 18.44pm, two and a half hours after arriving at hospital.
When I heard the weight, I realised why I'd lost control towards the end. I wasn't as 'present' as I'd have liked and following her birth I went into a mental shock really and needed some support to come around.
We've now had 2 days with our first baby girl and adore her.

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