Birth story - Simran and baby Freya

Firstly thank you so much for empowering me to have a birth I actually miss!

I was due September 11th but I knew I wasn’t going to have her until September 13/14th. Just a gut feeling.

I was offered a sweep and I used BRAIN and decided I would have it. I didn’t find it uncomfortable or painful. I went home and the next day I had what felt like period pains. We went for a nice long walk, then to the in laws for dinner (they didn’t know I was in labour). By this point I was having contractions but I used my up breathing to manage them. I went to bed but the surges became slightly uncomfortable. We watched some funny programmes to get that oxytocin running and I used up breathing to stay focused. I think at this point I had the bloody show.

At 5 am the next morning we rang the hospital as the surges were stronger. We went up and I was examined, this didn’t bother me. I was 1cm. I went home and got a few hours sleep. I began to feel more uncomfortable as the day went on, I used a hot water bottle, yoga moves, up breathing and watched Modern Family to keep me super relaxed. I tried to go to sleep, but the surges became stronger so, I took two paracetamol. At about 10pm I rang the hospital and they said to come in. I was now 2cm dilated. That was cool, I was not always going to be just 2cm, this too would pass. They gave me codine and I went home and the surges became more intense. Soon the Freya app said I was in active labour. I attempted to walk down the stairs but it was uncomfortable and, as I waited for my husband to help, at 1.25 am my waters broke (just like the movies). The hospital said to come down. I put the eye mask and headphones on and listened to the Freya app on the journey in.

I arrived in the hospital at 2am, found that I was 5cm and was admitted. I went to the home from home birthing sweet. The bath was filled and I climbed in. I was on all fours from the moment surges became more intense throughout the labour. When they tried to put me on my back to check the heartbeat I found that really sore but I managed it for the time it took to check the heartbeat. Electric candles were set up, I had speakers with the Freya app on and I breathed and visualised giving birth. I had some gas and air (that’s some craic) and I had a wonderful midwife called Betty. I knew what to expect and thought I would transition and ask for pain relief but I didn’t. I felt the need to do a poo and out popped baby at 5:15 am. I lifted her up from the water and the rush of love came flooding through. 

You guys gave me the support every woman should be given, I had no worries about birth and felt I understood everything. Thank you so much. Hopefully the second will be a home birth, although for now I will just enjoy my baby Freya.

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