Birth story - Shurouq and baby Emily


I started the Digital Pack early on in my pregnancy and was vigilant about practising my up breathing and meditations throughout. A week before my due date I went in for a CTG and things looked like they were on track for the due date. Little did I know!

A day later on Wednesday 4 Nov in the morning I started to feel some cramping which was totally new for me. I immediately started timing them using the Freya app. By afternoon/evening the surges were coming and going in different bouts of intensity but I was able to continue on with my day thanks to the positive affirmations of the Freya app!

At around midnight we phoned the hospital and were told to come in an hour later (the midwives didn’t believe I was in labour because I was talking so calmly!)

When I got into hospital at 2am they examined me and told me I was 8cm!! I had laboured at home all day and didn’t even blink!

The last 2cm were very intense for me as was the pushing stage due to baby’s head position but throughout I kept telling myself “this will pass and I will meet my baby soon”. I was offered gas and air which I happily took but no other pain relief due to how far along I was.

At 8:02am on Thursday we welcomed Emily and, though it was an intense night, I wouldn’t change anything!

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