Birth story - Samantha and baby Lila

I had a wonderful positive home birth with my second child so when I found out I was having a third I was really keen to have another positive birth. I signed up to the digital pack and started it quite early on. I had an amazing home birth with my second so felt a little disheartened when due to the pandemic I was told home births were no longer an option. The positive birth company started doing some live sessions and one with Siobhan that talked through options of birth during the pandemic was so helpful! I looked at the birth centre (online) and was happy with this option and was feeling very prepared. About a week before I was due I was lucky enough to be told that I could have a home birth.

2 days past my due date at about 7am I started to feel some twinges. Having given birth twice before I knew these well and was pretty sure this was the start of things. My husband took our two children to my parents house. I tried relaxing, started using the Freya app, had a bath, washed my hair and had some breakfast. The surges started to get a little stronger at about 9am so our midwife came to check on us. I declined an internal examination as I was coping well with upbreathing and I didn't think I was in established labour yet. The midwife carried out some checks. She said it felt like baby was back to back. I knew this meant things could be harder.

The midwife left at about 10am. I had a lie down and listened to relaxing hypnobirthing tracks and even managed a little sleep. When I woke things felt much stronger. I asked my husband to fill the pool. At around 11.30 the midwife came back. At this point I was in the pool and really working hard to stay calm and breath through each surge, they were very strong at this point I think probably because baby was back to back but by breathing and listening to relaxing tracks I was able to breath through each surge. I would also remind myself that with each surge I was getting closer to meeting my baby. It also helped to remind myself what was happening and as I used my upbreathing I knew that as the surge peaked it was going to lessen off again.


With my next surge at around 12.10pm my waters broke. I could see some green, the midwife looked and confirmed that it was some meconium and I would need to come out of the water. I then heard her mention an ambulance and she went into the hall. With my next surge I felt a lot of pressure I didn’t have any urge to push but baby's head came out! I was quite shocked, I told my husband baby's head was out and he quickly called the midwife back in the room. My next surge came and I used down breathing and baby arrived at 12.12pm. Everything had happened very quickly. I hadn't even realised I was in established labour!


It was an amazing experience and the first time I got to use the pool!



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