Birth story - Saffy and baby girl

My first baby was born Dec 18 and I used the PBC online course to prepare. Despite being induced and having to have the hormone drip, the toolkit allowed me to birth my baby boy using gas & air. I felt so empowered and knew that I needed a refresher for my second baby. 

I purchased the book and bought the online course. I also watched the live stream Instagram videos. These answered a lot of my worries and fears regarding giving birth during Covid. I felt prepared and knew that I could use my BRAIN for any circumstances that could occur.

My waters broke at 11.30pm on the 7th May. I had gone to bed after clapping for our carers. Waking up and feeling the warm liquid, I knew this was the start. Luckily, within 10 minutes my surges started. I opened up FREYA and began timing. After 30 minutes, I was 2 surges in 10 minutes and rang the hospital who told me to come straight in. On the way, I continued to time the surges and FREYA alerted me that I was now in established labour. It was great to know that things were moving forward. 

At the hospital, the midwife (wearing PPE) examined me and said I was 2cm. She told me to go for a walk. My husband was allowed to stay with me and helped me complete a lap around the ward. I was also tested for Covid-19 at this point. By the time I arrived back, I was 7cm and I asked to go into the birthing pool.

I imagined myself being graceful and calm but in reality I was like a fish out of water, flapping around. I felt like I was starting to panic and realised I needed to breathe and get control. The midwife helped me out of the pool and my husband helped me get my breathing together again. I decided at this point to try some gas and air.

Within minutes of getting onto the bed, my body took over and “pushed” my baby girl out. I remember watching the online course video stating that the body knew how to do this and I actually felt it happen. It was amazing! This stage of labour only took 12 minutes.


My baby girl was born on her due date on Friday 8th May at 5.20am. The midwives were incredible and so reassuring throughout. The labour was so quick and positive, I felt great after! 

I want to thank the Positive Birth Company for all of the support you provide pre and post natal. I’ve now had two very different births yet due to the techniques the PBC teach, both have been the best experiences. I highly recommend!

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