Birth story - Robyn and baby Nova
Well, I don't even know where to begin when it comes to writing my positive Birth story as I honestly still can't believe how amazing our birth was and how I managed to birth our beautiful baby!
I have always been an anxious person and years before I even got pregnant I was always so, so worried about giving birth to the point where I almost dreaded that day ever coming because of how terrified and scared I felt as everyone always loves to tell you horror stories! This carried on into my pregnancy, to the point where the fear would have me in tears a lot of the time at the thought of having to do this incredibly (what I thought was) scary thing!
Then I found the Positive Birth Company and it changed..... Everything! I can't quite remember how many weeks I was when I stumbled across the digital pack but as I said to my Husband, for such a cheap price you seriously have nothing to lose right? Anything to take away the crippling fear was worth it for us so I made the purchase and started making my way through the first set of videos on my own. Me, I am a facts person, so I absolutely loved the science around giving birth and how much SENSE it all makes, that your body is designed to birth your baby - that itself gave me such a confidence boost and I just kept wondering why oh why are you not taught this stuff - knowledge is most certainly power!
When I took my maternity leave 4 weeks before DD, my husband also took 2 weeks annual leave so we then watched all of the videos together working our way through them and doing relaxing massages, candles etc, my husband particularly loved the idea of positive affirmations and thought too how much sense it all made.
Fast forward to 22nd March 2019, I woke up at 4.00am and felt something strange so I went to the toilet to investigate. My waters had broken! The night before we remember that we were in fits of pure belly laughter and I swear to this day it was that rush of oxytocin that sent me into labour! I woke my husband and I did have a slight wobble, just where reality set in that we were about to become parents! My husband called the birth centre and we were advised to go in for a check up which was all fine and as I hadn't started having surges yet they sent me home and advised me that they would book an induction for the next day IF they did not start spontaneously. So myself and hubby decided it was time to go for breakfast and keep that lovely oxytocin flowing, we ate, we chatted and laughed and then set off home to relax!
Around 2.00pm I started having my first mild surges but they were about 5 mins apart so called the Birth Centre who advised to call back once they were 3 in 10 mins, so we put on Friends the TV show, I had a couple of paracetamol and continued to laugh our way through it.
7.00pm I decided I would feel more comfortable in the bath so we took the candles and TV show on our phone in to the bathroom and my husband helped me through every surge, although I was still doing great with the up-breathing and a couple more paracetamol (which by the way is an absolute life saver and the most valuable tool ever!). All of a sudden, in the midst of my up-breathing I started to make some peculiar "mooing" sounds and the surges changed to a downward "pushing" feeling - I knew from what I had learnt that this was it! We called the Birth Centre who told us to come in, which was a 20 minute drive.
We arrived at the birth Centre at 8.45pm and the midwife asked to do an internal examination for which I agreed to, to find out I was fully dilated and ready to birth our baby! They had already filled the birthing pool for us so I quickly got in and in just 4 surges in the pool with the use of the down breathing, our beautiful daughter was born at 9.10pm into my husbands arms 😍 - we didn't even have time to get out our tealights and room spray!
I could not have not have done this as calmly and quickly as I did without this course, it completely changed my entire mindset on birth and I have been raving about it to everyone ever since! Myself and my husband had the most amazing and perfect birth experience we could have hoped for and would recommend this course to anyone and everyone - I felt like an absolute superhero!
If you are reading this and you are still nervous, please don't be. Birth is intense but it CAN be beautiful and if I can do it, honestly, anyone can, so don't let anyone tell you otherwise 💖💖💖
Thank you Positive Birth Company! 💞🤗💋

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