Birth story - Rhiannon and baby Adalyn
‼️Trigger warning use of the word contraction!!
My turn! 😍
40+2, born at home in the pool at 9:44am weighing 6lb1oz and completely perfect! I got a slight graze and a '1.5 degree' tear 😂 but refused stitches as it wasn't bleeding and they said it wasn't a concern or enough to need stitching :) youngest was asleep in the pushchair in the kitchen when she was born and woke up half an hour after she arrived (amazed I didn't wake him at all but apparently I barely made a noise 🤷🏻♀️😂) and her two sisters were at school but very soon after came home and are completely besotted 😍
Woke up at 4am and had some crampy feelings so carried on as usual. Youngest woke up just after 5.30am when his dad went to work so got him out of bed and sorted breakfast for him and his sisters who woke up at around 6am. I got on as usual determined that it was gonna be false labour yet again but by 7.30am I was getting very close timings and got my 3 eldest’s dad to leave work and come sort the older 2 for school. The midwives were rang at 8am and said they would head over. The kids left for school at 8.30am with their dad (including the youngest so he could have a nap in the pushchair) as I concentrated on my breathing and filling the pool. The first midwife arrived around 9am and the second arrived at just after 9.15/9.20am where they attempted to listen in on baby's heart rate but I got a contraction each time and she moved 😂 it got to 9.30am and I decided I wanted to get in the pool as my waters had gone and sitting/laying on the floor wasn't helping and I was far from comfy. I got in the pool and at 9.44am she appeared earth side 😍 I felt her head as it came out and lifted her up on to me as she came out. 4th baby and I finally got the home birth and delivery of my dreams and photos and a video of her birth 💪🏻💜

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