Birth story - Rebekah and baby Remi

Finding out we were expecting was such an excitement to my partner and I. We couldn't wait to meet our little one as soon as we saw the first scan! For as long as we'd thought of having children, we both knew we wanted a home birth. Even though it was our first and not everyone thought we were making the right decision, we knew it was right for us.

Four days before my due date, after months of moving house, keeping active, working and getting through our hypnobirthing course, our little one decided to start to come into the world.

On Monday 10th May I woke early with leaking waters and had to go into hospital for an amniflow test which confirmed it was my back waters breaking. Through the day I started to have mild surges and carried on with my day as normal, we set up the living room for labouring so that we were all set for when things started to get stronger.

Through the evening my surges got stronger but very manageable and were about 10 minutes apart and because we were birthing at home we were told to call the midwives earlier rather than later.

They arrived at 2am on 11th May and I was just 2 cm dilated so they left us to get things going on our own. By 8 am I had been up breathing and moving on my birthing ball. Feeling in control but a little tired.

We called the midwife again at 8 am to find out there wasn't sufficient staff to come out to us and we would have to go into hospital.

Moving though contractions we both instantly came to terms with the change and made our way in. Upon arrival we were seen and I was assessed and was 3cm dilated. Trying not to be disheartened I carried on moving and breathing. At this point my waters still hadn't broken and doctors and midwives were in and out hooking me up to monitors and keeping track of the baby. None of this was what I had wanted for my birth but because I had prepared for things to change I was in an easy state of mind for how ever my baby was going to come. After an hour of the monitors falling off and not reading properly we were told my waters would have to be broken and a monitor put onto babies head. I knew she was fine, I felt her moving around and the midwives said it was the monitor but they wanted to be sure.

So using my B.R.A.I.N I asked to wait and do nothing for a while. All while moving and breathing my waters broke naturally like I knew they would.

After that, things moved along very quickly and I felt the urge to push after more very strong surges. So I asked to be checked to make sure and sure enough, I was ready. My surges slowed but I knew we were close so I pushed and used my down breathing, all the while holding onto my partner who cheered me on like a superhero. He knew what I wanted and where to be and what to say throughout. (Here's to all the cheerleader birth partners ❤️🙌)After a few pushes I was getting tired and was told they may have to cut me to help. My partner and I both said to hang in for a few more surges. We fuelled me up with some sugar and really pumped me with energy and oxytocin with words of encouragement. 2 more BIG pushes and our little girl was here. Just 6 hours from arriving at hospital.

It wasn't the home birth we were after but we still managed to stay in control and have the most positive birth we could have asked for. I truly believe that the positive birth company have made something magical. We were able to birth our daughter naturally and without any pain relief at all. I was amazed. It was truly the best day of my life. Thank you PBC. XXX

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