Birth story - Rachael and baby Flynn

*Trigger warning* - ambulance transfer post birth, second degree tear, contractions (not negative to me).

I started getting “twinges” about 7 days before baby arrived on and off. I was always expecting to have this baby early as my daughter was almost 3 weeks early - oh how I was wrong!

My pregnancy was very straight forward except for a slight bleed at around 30 weeks but no abnormalities were found.

My midwife at my second appointment was extremely encouraging of a home birth but I knew my husband would be reluctant so I encouraged him to come to subsequent appointments with me to discuss any concerns. We then discussed risks and benefits and decided we would plan for a home birth - get a hire pool and, if on the day I changed my mind, it wouldn’t matter.

On Wednesday the 6th of April I started to get irregular contractions probably about every 10/15 minutes apart. By the evening I was having 4-5 every 10 minutes but very irregular. The midwife came to my home and examined me - I was 1cm dilated and my cervix was still long but soft. I went to bed soon after this as thought I best try and get some rest before baby starts arriving!

On Thursday the contractions were very similar again - irregular and fairly spaced out! I just concentrated on trying to get some rest and food in but also keeping active and upright as much as I could. By 1pm the contractions really started to ramp up so I had a bath and used my up breathing as I could no longer talk through them.

At 5pm a midwife arrived and checked baby - she thought baby was breech and sent me in for an urgent scan. This was so frustrating but I knew I would not want a vaginal birth if baby was breech so it had to be done! Luckily baby was still head down and the midwife examined me again - I was now 2cm dilated.

When we got home I tried to sleep but the contractions were getting too strong so I put my tens machine and called the midwife out. My own midwife from my entire pregnancy arrived at 10pm and what a relief to see her (and the entonox!!)

We discussed our plan for water birth and when would be the right time to start filling. At approx midnight I got into the pool but by 2am my progress was only 3cm so I got back out of the pool and did some walking around the house. It was exhausting but I knew I had to if I wanted my baby to arrive soon. I laid on my sofa holding my husbands hand and doing up breathing between contractions. At this point I knew I was transitioning because I was begging him to get me more pain relief and for the midwives to take me to hospital. I was exhausted and the pain was worse than I remembered with my daughter. I also remember feeling anxious that my waters had not yet broken!

At about 3.30am I got back into the pool and by 4.30am I was feeling pressure as though I needed to push. At 5am I started to naturally push - I could not stop. My midwife really wanted to examine me again but I declined as I knew my body was ready and had to trust my instincts! At 5.32am I delivered babies head and it was at this point the midwives realised he was still in his sac. Within 2 minutes I delivered baby (it felt like so much longer) he was passed through my legs and put onto my chest. I couldn’t believe it when I asked what the time was and I realised how long I’d laboured for (AGAIN!! 😅) I forgot instantly how uncomfortable my labour was and how tired I was when I had him in my arms.

I sat in the pool for a while but could feel I was having some quite strong contractions - so I was advised by the midwives to try and stand up. Before I stood - they clamped (delayed) the cord and cut it for us (my husband isn’t too good with blood so declined 😂). My placenta came naturally without injection 11 minutes after giving birth. I was then transferred into the lounge where I had skin to skin with baby and was checked for tears.

Unfortunately, my perineal tear was suspected as a grade 3 so I had to be transferred via ambulance to the acute hospital to be assessed by the consultant on call. Although this may seem traumatic for some, I just went with it and enjoyed cuddles with my baby in the ambulance. The crew were amazing - really compassionate towards me and baby and didn’t rush us at all. The midwife followed behind the ambulance.

I was assessed really quickly - 2nd degree tear confirmed and stitched up painlessly. After this the lovely midwives on the ward made us some tea and toast which was very much needed! We had some lovely skin to skin cuddles and face timed our families to let them know the news!

Although my experience of a home birth was not quite as I had wished for with a few complications along the way - I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to do it and fully supported by the midwifery team. I had a lot of negativity towards me from friends and family when I told them I was having a home birth - I think there is not enough education out there in general.

Thank you to this group - you’ve seen me through 2 births - both extremely different but I’m truly grateful for the support ❤️


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