Birth story - R and baby girl

As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I knew I wanted a home birth this time around. My first birth did not go at all to plan and I ended up delivering my son on a labour ward with epidural, episiotomy and forceps and feeling totally out of control.

I first heard about the digital pack through a mummy Facebook group where it was recommended by several people. I really wanted to do a hypnobirthing course but the local ones took place on evenings I worked and having a toddler would have made it difficult to attend in any case. Plus we were in the process of moving to a new area so it just seemed impossible. The digital pack seemed like a good option for £35 so we decided to give it a try - little did we know it would be the best £35 we ever spent!

We watched the videos in the evenings over a month from about 30 weeks. I knew we’d made the right decision when early on Siobhan pretty much described my previous birth - as she understood how and why that happened, I was confident and had faith that the techniques could prevent me from having the same experience again. I regularly listened to the positive affirmations as I went to sleep and practised my up breathing during the day.

From 38 weeks, I started having regular Braxton Hicks and period like cramps so I was convinced she would arrive soon, particularly as my little boy was a spontaneous labour at 39 weeks. But my due date came and baby still hadn’t arrived!

The day before 41 weeks, I started having mild surges an hour apart in the afternoon. I thought these were just Braxton Hicks again so didn’t even mention them to my husband. By 11pm they were still there and now 30 mins apart so I told my husband I thought this might be it and we should go to bed to get some rest. I awoke at 1.30am and they were about 15 mins apart. I tried to get back to sleep but I was too excited so just sat timing the surges and looking at Facebook on my phone.

By 4am they were coming about 6 mins apart so I woke my husband and said I thought we should head downstairs to get the pool up and everything ready. They started to come every 3 mins now and were more powerful but very manageable with up breathing and I put the tens machine on which was really helpful. My husband got the pool inflated and the water running, put spa music on, lit candles and sprayed my yoga room spray. He then called the hospital to let them know I was in labour.

The midwife arrived about 5am. I told her my birth plan was in the front on my notes and she took time to read it and some time to just watch me, rather than vaginal examinations as I’d requested that those weren’t done in my birth plan. I was sat bouncing through the surges on my birth ball which I moved to a corner of the room by the Christmas tree. Looking back, I find it fascinating how primal and instinctive the whole experience was when I just surrendered to it.

After a few more surges I started to have a little wobble and asked at what stage I could have gas and air. The midwife said I could have it whenever I wanted so she got it ready for me. After using it for a couple of surges I was sick but this was actually a great relief and I felt much better afterwards. I think this was my transition.

By this stage I was desperate to get in the pool and it was just about ready. When I got in, it was instant relief and everything seemed to pause for a few minutes. My husband could finally sit down and focus on me (he had been rushing about getting the pool ready) and the three of us sat talking and laughing. I just felt so relaxed! When the next surge came, I could feel it had changed and could feel a gentle pushing sensation. With each surge the pushing sensation increased. At this stage my two year old woke up so my husband went to try to settle him back to sleep.

With each surge I just let my body do what it already knew to do and kept repeating to myself that every surge brings me closer to my baby. I focused on my down breathing and breathed my baby down. I could feel her moving down the birth canal and when I felt the ring of fire, I knew she was close.

The midwife called my husband and he came downstairs with our son who was still awake. My husband and son held my hands whilst I went through the last few surges until she was out. And then I reached down and brought her up to my chest for us all to see. The midwife told me she was born still in her sac but put her arm through as she came out. The sac later kept clogging the pump as my husband tried to empty the pool 😂

I had planned on having a physiological third stage but after a while I felt tired and decided to have the injection and my husband cut the baby’s cord. I only had a couple of small grazes and a small tear to my old episiotomy scar which didn’t require stitches.

I am so grateful to Siobhan and the digital pack. I could not have wished for a better birth and it was simply down to really understanding each stage of birth, having the confidence that my body was made to do this, along with the techniques taught. It was such a healing experience after my first birth.

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