Birth story - Precious and baby Havana
My first child arrived the day before his due date and so due to the frequent braxton hicks and aches, I was convinced my daughter would be coming on time too. I had HG which eased around 25 weeks and I worked up until 37 weeks. My husband and I had completed the PBC xFIVEXMORE course and I felt ready with my fairy lights, oils and comb.
At 40+1 I felt that my daughter had been a little quiet and so called the hospital and went in to be monitored. Of course she kicked all the way there but we were reassured that everything was fine. I was offered an induction but declined as we didn’t feel that it was necessary at that point. At 41+2 weeks I had my midwife’s appointment and agreed to a sweep however, my cervix was closed and it wasn’t possible. As my blood pressure was slightly raised, I was asked to go to triage.
My blood pressure was fine when I was seen but, in line with the hospital trust’s policy, they wanted to book me in for an induction. Myself and my husband asked lots of questions and decided to try a sweep again and asked for 24 hours to see if anything happens. I was really disappointed and disheartened when nothing happened and it was time for my induction as I had never envisioned this for myself and I had heard so many induction horror stories.
After a little cry, I re-watched the PBC induction chapter and packed my bag. I arrived at hospital at 7pm and said goodbye to my husband at 9pm. After some monitoring (which didn’t happen until 2am!) the pessary was inserted at 5am and I tried to get some rest on the ward.
At around 4pm the following day, my surges began. They were a lot more intense and frequent than my first birth and after walking the corridors, over the course of a few hours I had some paracetamol, pethidine and morphine. Due to the pain, I was sure that I was in active labour but really disappointed to find out I was only 2cm. After a few more tears, I put on my headphones and focused on using the Freya app and my comb which really helped distract me from my environment of being on a ward and calm my breathing.
My husband left for the night at around 11pm but was called back an hour later as things began to speed up. I was now 5cm and transferred to the labour ward. After some gas and air, I felt ready to push. This went on for a while and my midwife calmly assisted me to try lots of different positions. Finally at 3am, my daughter entered the world, sunny side up which explained the long pushing stage.
I had a second degree tear which was quickly sorted and we were home before dinner. I was really fearful of inductions but I hope to show other mums that it’s possible to have a positive birthing experience even when things don’t go to plan.

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