Birth story - Patricia and baby Sano

- The PBC's digital pack gave me the confidence to make the decisions that were best for me and my baby - even when almost everyone around me questioned them. My baby was born in Switzerland where only 5% (!!) of pregnant women ask for natural birth. Only 3% of babies born here are born outside of a hospital. ObGyn at the public hospital literally chuckled when I said I wanted a natural birth sans pain relief.

- The birth plan writing exercise was super useful - it's not really about planning and sticking to it but more about getting myself informed about what options are available. With the plan at hand, we did a "tour" of different hospitals and birthing centres to see which ones could provide us with what we believe we needed to have a positive birthing experience. It was so empowering to be able to have two way discussions with the health service providers thanks to the researches we had done. We are so lucky to have found Franziska, Ursina, and Ambra Geburtshaus's team in Wittinsburg, Switzerland. They managed to provide every single thing we wished for and beyond. Highly recommended for those giving birth in Switzerland.

8 days after my due date, my water broke at about 8.45 pm when I was cooking dinner (homemade cheese burger with sweet potato chips). I cleaned myself and decided to continue cooking. Husband and I had a nice dinner together while binge watching Lucifer on netflix. We called the midwife and she said, most likely it will take a while until I really need to go to the birthing centre since this is my first child. She told me to get as much sleep as possible and come around 8am in the morning.

At about 10 pm, the surges started and within 30 minutes my labor was established. Grateful to have Freya! We called the midwife again and agreed to meet up at 00.30am in the birthing centre. Our place is 40 minutes away and it was the most interesting drive of my life. I couldn't sit down anymore so I was on the back seat, on my knees, holding on to the head support, facing backward, while screaming on top of my lung, for the entire drive!

When we arrived at the birthing centre, everything was ready: fairy lights, candles, aromatherapy, sliced fruits, yoghurt, juices, and most importantly 2 amazing midwives. We knew we were in good hands. At this point, my surges were less than 1 minute apart, lasting for 1.5 minute each. I was screaming (my husband said "remember that howling T-rex scene from the Jurassic Park? You were like that"), but I wasn't afraid or nervous. My body just took over and it knew exactly what to do - my conscious brain just went along with it so much that I didn't even think of asking for gas and air or any other pain relief options.


At about 1.30 am, my body switched gear and the pushing stage began. The midwife helped me get into the pool and within an hour, Sano came to the world. Squatting in the water, I managed to help the baby navigate, took him out of the water and into my arms right away. I was drunk in love. We had 2-3 hours skin-to-skin (he nursed right away). I birthed the placenta in one push while still in the water - got 6 stitches due to second degree tear.


Throughout the process, my husband was by my side and on my side. The digital pack really helped us a lot to prepare for the labour as a couple/team. I really couldn’t wish for a better birth partner.

We spent 5 days in the birthing centre - surrounded by beautiful farms (cows, goats, ducks, bees). The team took care of us so so well. We were the only family in the birthing centre, so they could customize the care to what we needed. While the birthing experience was super positive, leaving the birthing centre was traumatizing - I was terrified to re-enter our life outside of the birth centre bubble knowing that the changes the baby brings to our life is irreversible. There is no going back and we don't yet know how to navigate the road ahead.


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