Birth story - Paris and baby Noah
I really wanted to have a natural birth since it was my first baby, however due to being diagnosed with a mild form of obstetric cholestasis (OC) (also know as intrahepatic cholestasis ICP) at 39 weeks, I was told the best option would be an induction, so for the sake of my baby’s safety I went with it.
I went in to be induced on Friday 30th October and started feeling contractions early that morning, my contractions were so intense but sadly I had only dilated to a 1. It was so sad for me to watch the other girls on the ward go off to the labour ward to get their waters broken as they had progressed a lot further than me, but I knew I had to keep strong.
The next day the contractions were awful, all in my lower back. I tried to take my mind off the pain by asking the midwife to run me a bath, using the birthing ball and using the Freya App to time the contractions. Still feeling so frustrated as I just wanted the pain to end. Then all of a sudden my water broke, and the contractions ramped up to the next level. I remember screaming "I need an epidural, I'm dying!" but to my dismay, when I got to the labour ward I had quickly progressed from 2cm to 8cm and I was unable to get the epidural.
I remember telling the midwifes that I needed to push, and instead of them telling me when to push, I did it all myself. I felt so empowered at this point and despite always telling myself I needed the epidural. I didn’t need it at all, and I'm so proud I managed to give birth without it and the recovery afterwards was very quick! I thank the positive birth company for always making me feel positive and empowered during my labour and birth as the affirmations are such a positive reminder that we ARE capable of having that positive birth experience that we hope for and we CAN do it no matter if we get induced or have a natural birth :-)

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