Birth Story - Paige and baby Jeconah
Jeconah Edward Beales was born 11/09/17 at 0928 weighing 9lbs 3oz.
I had a natural water birth using only gas & air, tens machine, positive affirmations & Connor’s support as pain relief. I had a minor tear but required no stitches. I was in labour for 3.5 hours!
It all started at home when I was woken by a surge. The first 2 surges were 30 minutes apart, then one 8 minutes later & then 5. I thought I was having braxton hicks contractions again. I could not stop pooping, and the intensity increased. Not convinced I was in labour (I then thought it was the pizza I ate the night before) after half an hour on the toilet, when I started to be sick, Connor phoned the midwife who arrived 50 minutes later.
In this time I was having back to back surges. When the midwife arrived I was 3cm dilated. We then went to Newton Abbot Birth Centre and spent 1 hour & 45 minutes there before our son was born. No one believed me when I said his head was coming down so soon! I pushed him out in 7 minutes.
I used the down breathing. It was the weirdest experience when I was pushing, as my belly was doing it all for me! I felt like a toothpaste tube being squeezed! I was in such euphoria when I felt his head coming. I just kept saying ‘his head's out, his head's out!’ I wasn’t in any ‘pain’ at all, just pure enjoyment and amazement!
It was very fast but very gentle! I just relaxed and let it all happen! Connor was in the pool with me supporting me and I used my breathing the whole time! I just focused on being relaxed and allowed my body to do what it wanted to with our baby!
It was the most incredible experience for both myself & Connor. It went more than perfectly! We loved it and I cannot wait to do it all again!
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