Birth story - Nayab and baby boy
*Trigger warning* - ECV, low lying placenta
It took me almost 9 months to take time out to write this. I am writing this because when I was offered c section, I was very very nervous and I would post and research here for some positive stories. It is essentially to give someone hope that caesarean might not be what you had hoped for but it can be equally beautiful.
On the New Year’s Eve 2022, my husband and I decided to have a baby while celebrating. We tried and were very lucky to find out on 31st January that we were pregnant. I could not contain my excitement. We were so happy and over the moon. I had an absolute dream of a pregnancy. In first trimester, I used to get tired by the end of it but that was it really. No nausea, vomiting or aversions, I know, very lucky!!!
Then we had our dating scan at 11ish weeks followed by our anamoly scan at 19ish weeks. We were told we were having a little girl. We were ecstatic. It was also mentioned that I have got Low lying placents (LLP) and the chances are it is going to move up along with the pregnancy but just in case I would have another scan at 36 weeks to confirm.
Then I discovered PBC, started preparing for birth, doing yoga, practicing my breathing techniques and relaxation techniques with my husband. My heart was set on water birth. Every thing was going fine.
Then around my 32 weeks appt (I was seen by some other midwife not my regular midwife), some concerns regarding baby’s growth were mentioned, I went in for the scan. Every thing came back normal. And baby was breech. I started doing every thing mentioned in PBC and also spinning babies hoping for baby to turn. Had a follow up scan to look at placenta and position of baby, placenta had moved, baby did not budge. I was then offered ECV, my mind was too set on the natural birth and I knew this could be my only chance. So I took it, we had couple of goes, it felt weird and uncomfortable but not really painful. The team was really nice and they explained me every thing as they were doing it. And then again, baby was too snug to move. Not going to lie, there were tears. Big fat tears. The doctors and midwife sat there holding my hand. Supporting me.
Then the consultant presented me with the other two options, vaginal breech vs elective C section. We discussed pros and cons, used BRAIN. I had gone alone for my ECV appointment so I asked for more time to discuss with my husband, family and make up my own mind.
I did my own research. Spoke to my husband who said that it is your decision whatever you decide I would support you. Then my heart was breaking but I decided to opt for caesarean as it seemed like the safest option. So I went ahead for my consultant appointment and got the date of 6/10/2022 to meet the baby.
We knew the date so it gave me a lot of control which I loved. I nested, organised the house, cooked for the days to come, asked my mum to come in and stay with us post delivery, went on long walks, went on dates with my husband, packed my hospital bags.
Went couple of days ago for my pre op and then started to get a bit anxious about the big surgery awaiting me. Following two nights, did not have very good sleep. On the day, I woke up really early, had my preload and then the waiting game began. We went to the labour ward at 7. We were given our own room. Met the lovely, lovely team. We had a scan to confirm the position of baby, yup, still breech. I changed into the hospital gown. Labour ward was very busy that day. It was around 10:30 our midwife called us in. We plugged in our own Bluetooth and played our playlist. We had thought of a song to play when our baby enters the world.
I was given spinal and then it all began. I was holding my husband’s hand all along. Theatre team took pictures. Anaesthetist and surgeon kept explaining what was going on. We were joking around. We had request the surgeon to let us know when they were going to pull the baby so that we can play our planned song. The entry song if you will. 😂 we were informed, we played the song and then at 11:13 we heard the loud cry. (I am getting teary thinking and writing about that) we both cried. I kept asking is the baby okay!!??? The doctor said yes and then she asked ummm, so what were you told you are having? I said, A GIRLLLLL! She said, it’s a boy! We were shocked, in disbelief, surprised and so in love. I laughed through my tears. And then my precious little boy was placed on me. It was so, so special. A moment in time which changed everything for us. The whole theatre was like, “they don’t usually get it wrong” there was a sense of amusement and surprise. Our boy took everyone by surprise.
During the debrief after the surgery, the doctor explained that the baby boy had two rounds of cord wrapped around his neck and placenta was still not super high. It made me wonder what would have happened if I had gone for vaginal delivery. Chances are I would have ended up as an emergency caesarean section. It gave me a lot of confidence in my decision. Thanks to PBC team to equip me with the right tools to make the best decision for me and my baby.
The recovery was not as bad as I expected. We recovered well and also established breastfeeding. He is 9 months old now and he is thriving. ❤️

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