Birth story - Natalie and baby Thomas
So my lovely Thomas was born a week ago today and I’m happy to say I had a lovely positive birth. Thomas was late and after a couple of sweeps I was booked in to have a third to see if that could get things going. My first two sweeps were over a weekend and between them I walked and walked and walked! I seemed to get a burst of energy so was happy to do a very slow 5k walk on a lovely September day. The Midwife said this really helped me dilate more- so I would recommend walking if you are able!
Before my third sweep was due on Thursday I was nervous I would need to be induced but I tried to think positively about it and as long as he arrived healthy and I was safe then that would be the best option.
Of course it turned out I had nothing to be nervous about as my contractions began at 8.30 on Thursday morning. My up breathing really helped when these contractions started. My husband had just got to work when I made ‘the call’ and told him it was time to return home (I ignored the fact he asked if he had time to make a quick 15 min meeting). When he got home I was on my pregnancy ball breathing through each of my contractions and he wired me up on the TENS machine. I called the birth centre and they advise I call back when I couldn’t talk. And hour and a half later I was ready to go to the Wycombe birth centre and deliver my baby!
When we arrived they offered an examination which I was happy to have. However it was very uncomfortable lying on my back so the ladies did a quick examination whilst I was on all fours and said I was around 6cm dilated. They were happy to run the birthing pool for me and I got in around 12. Immediately I felt better. I was more relaxed and was continued my up breathing throughout each contraction. Around an hour in they asked if I wanted any pain killers (I was limited to gas and air and pethidine) and I decided it’d be good to get the gas and air. This helped enormously and the labour carried on. After another couple of hours the Midwife needed me to get out of the pool as the babies heart beat had slowed down a bit. I jumped onto a bed and was told to focus on breathing and pushing the baby out without gas and air- which I did! Admittedly I did have to have an episiotomy at that point because it turns out my lovely Thomas was a big baby, weighing in at 9lb 14 so they had to do something to help him come out! But I felt so proud I was able to breath through my contractions and deliver my gorgeous baby boy.
Thomas was born at 4.07 and my next adventure started from there. 😊
I genuinely think without doing hypnobirthing I would have had a very different experience. I had practised my up breathing (and still use it now to try and get back to sleep after night feeds!) and it made me feel positive about the upcoming labour. You are all phenomenal women and you can do this. ❤️

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