Birth story - Naomi and baby Thomas


At 41+3 I was taken in for induction after a scan suggested both a big baby (11lb estimate) and low levels of amniotic fluid. After having a think, I chose to have the induction because the sonography did really struggle to measure any water around baby. I had my first pessary at 4pm and felt surges by about 6pm. We went home where I had a relaxing bath and something to eat before heading back to hospital for 9 where I got my second pessary. My husband went home about 10 and by then I had really strong surges so couldn’t really rest so spent the night walking and bouncing on a birth ball while watching some Netflix!

At 7am on Saturday I was in established labour. I was taken down to the labour suite where my surges got more intense. By around 1pm I decided to have an epidural because I was really exhausted from being up all night but I felt really in control of the decision. Once that was administered I was 9cm dilated and Thomas Grant was born at 9lbs 1oz with help from a ventouse at 4.53pm. Even though I had an epidural, I could still feel the surges and felt him being born, it was amazing! Due to the wee man having a large head and being back to back I had an episiotomy to help deliver him but it was honestly fine and has been healing great. Despite all the intervention I felt really in control of the whole thing and look back on it really proudly and happily.


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