Birth story - Nadine and baby Grayson

My little boy had a due date of the 6th of November. I had heard so much positivity around hypnobirthing and found The Positive Birth Company thought it was worth a shot! As a first time mum I was a little terrified of giving birth but wanted to become more comfortable with the fact it was going to happen so I might aswell embrace it! I purchased the book & the pack of positivity🙈

Unfortunately, I had planned to have a water birth but my little man didn’t want that😂 he decided to stay in my tummy until I was induced two weeks later so unfortunately couldn’t have a water birth as we needed to be monitored. So myself and my partner Ben, went to hospital to be induced on Monday the 18th of November, to my surprise I was already having contractions when we arrived but I didn’t realise until being put on the monitor! I then had a pessary inserted at 9:20pm that night. I began to have contractions pretty much straight away and continued to have those all night but was able to cope, remain calm and breathe through them all night with the techniques I had learnt from Hypnobirthing.

When the morning came around 10am, they got pretty intense and close together, so I woke Ben and asked him to get a midwife. She then suggested I got in a hot bath to help with the pain. I was in there for about an hour which I’m also sure helped speed things along even more as my surges became crazy in the bath! The midwife came and checked on me and saw how fast my contractions were coming and suggested I got out of the bath and had some gas & air and to be examined because the surges were coming so fast and were very strong and my midwife could see I was finding them quite intense at this point. She began to examine me and to mine and my partners shock, I was already 6cm dilated! I couldn’t believe it. With just remaining positive and remembering the techniques that I had learnt, I had made it over half way on the induction ward. I was shocked! My waters broke as the midwife examined me and she shouted for a wheelchair and another midwife came with gloves incase anything happened in the lift on the way to the labour ward! It all seemed to happen so fast! My partner quickly rang my mum whilst we were on the way to labour ward and she made it just in time for the birth!

I pushed for about an hour and then there was talk of an episiotomy which I really didn’t want and talks of going to theatre to have an assisted birth and she mentioned forceps. All of these things spurred me on to push! I can’t thank the positive birthing company enough as I remembered in that moment that every one surge brings me closer to my baby’ so on the next contraction, as the midwife pulled out the scissors, I pushed for my LIFE! and out flew my baby boy😍 but he truly did fly😂


I did end up having a 3rd degree tear, tearing my labia and sphincter and losing 1000ml of blood. But didn’t notice a thing when it’s all going on, I was definitely just high on life! I was in theatre straight after all of it and had a spinal block put in and they stitched me up, every single doctor and midwife I met was lovely and made me feel so calm.

I cannot thank your positive birth company enough. Since reading your book I felt so much more comfortable and confident that my body could do this and I could naturally birth my son. For anyone thinking whether to try hypnobirthing, you’ve got nothing to lose! It massively helped me and I truly believe it is what made me have such a lovely birth experience❤️

THANK YOU SIOBHAN for everything!! ❤️


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Birth story - Suzie and baby Sephina


Birth story - Laura and baby boy