I have a classic tale of a difficult first birth which was also an induction due to post dates. But naivety then led me to follow everything blindly and I had an epidural and episiotomy after what felt like a fairly traumatic and painful labour.

This time around I wanted to do things differently and, after buying the course when it was on offer, I can honestly say it has been the best thing I have ever spent money on in my life as it gave me and my husband the best labour we could have hoped for and completely healed us from the first.

I clearly like to cook my babies longer than the average and I had planned to refuse induction as long as I could, but as they wanted daily monitoring and constantly fought for me to be induced, we finally gave in. I had also had 4 sweeps by this point and baby wasn’t moving, so I lost my mental nerve and booked in. I was also out of the MLU anyway due to dates so I had nothing holding me back anymore.

I knew I had to make this a better experience and made sure to ask for what I wanted and explain what I was most worried about - mostly that things would get too intense too quickly. I also said that I wanted it to be as gentle as an induction could be.

Firstly I asked for a private room in the induction ward and it was available which was amazing. It gave us privacy and allowed us to relax and listen to music and chat through the day. A pessary went in at 11ish and then it was time to mobilise. Throughout the day my watch says we walked approx 7miles up and down the corridors. Nothing really happened which surprised us both as contractions started much quicker with my daughter. Around 6pm we went to the canteen for my husband to have dinner and then they started up (strangely it was the canteen where they started last time too - something magic in there). We went back to our room where I bounced on the ball and my husband asked if I wanted light touch massage on my back. I soon realised that when he put pressure on my lower back the contractions were easily bearable alongside a tens machine. A couple of hours later the pessary fell out and everything eased off a little.

I was examined at this point and was about 2cm and able to have waters broken. At this point I questioned whether it would be better to have another pessary as I really didn’t want my waters breaking as that is when it got difficult the first time. But using BRAIN it felt okay. However, they then had to wait for a midwife to be available in labour ward to take over. We started to rest and were then moved out of the private room due to a poorly lady coming in. We then got a few hours kip in the main ward (with light contractions) until about 5am.

We then were taken down to the pool room (woohoo) and my waters were broken and I was about 5cm dilated. About an hour later we filled the pool as I could feel the contractions changing. The bit that I found incredible was that I felt completely fine in between each one like I wasn’t even in labour. I would tell my husband NOW and he would rub my lower back and before long the contractions had finished.

I got into the pool and it felt amazing, the most annoying part was the monitoring as they kept losing the trace so the midwife kept having to readjust them. Also at one point the doctors came on their rounds and told me if baby hadn't come by midday we would move to the drip which was not helpful at all and really pissed me off at the time. I also knew baby would be here before then! After a short while I felt everything get more intense and I knew I had hit transition. I told everyone I couldn't do it and I knew in my head I had no choice, no time for epidurals and pethidine so I really had to do it on my own now. Then there it was that fetal ejection, like having an uncontrollable poop. According to my notes this stage lasted 14 minutes! And out came my chunk of love at 9lbs 15oz! I was able to pull him up but he was a bit entangled in his cord and just staring at me. It was a bit of blur as they tried to rub him up so we cut the cord and he was checked over and was fine and passed to daddy for skin to skin.

The pool had turned very red at this point so I got out and had the injection for the placenta, by the time I got back to the bed I had one last contraction and out it came. Apparently it was massive! everyone kept commenting on how big it was!


Considering his size and that I had an episiotomy first time round I only had a 2nd degree tear which apparently was very neat and probably could have healed. The recovery from these stitches was fine I didn’t even feel them at all afterwards and had no pain at all.

The whole thing was incredibly healing. I had done it with the help of my husband and gas and air. My husband was so pleased to have been a huge help this time around as I genuinely don't think I could have managed the intensity without him putting pressure on my back. He was also my advocate and knew my preferences as we both wanted a better experience this time.

What I learnt this time was:

- there is too much pressure on 42 week mamas and it is a mental battle. Do your research and don't get bullied into induction if you aren't ready.

- inductions can be incredibly positive! Just stay informed and in control - don't follow blindly.

- Talk to healthcare providers about what you want and see if everything can be accommodated. Although it may be difficult during the coronavirus crisis.

- your baby is the right size for your body! I had no idea he would be so big my daughter was 8lb1oz at 42weeks. I didn't believe my percentile chart where he was miles above it. I'm glad I didn’t know in advance as it would only have added more complications.

Good luck to all of you about to go through labour. Stay strong and try and remember all of the things you can control in the situation!


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