Birth story - Mum and Baby Girl
A massive thank you to Siobhan Miller for making the birth of my second daughter such a positive experience. My daughter was born in the water on Friday morning after a short but intense labour at our hospital Midwife Led Unit. I truly feel the digital pack transformed my birth and gave me tools to manage, that I so lacked the first time around. I had been feeling completely unprepared and only came across the Positive Birth Company at 38 weeks pregnant. My husband and I rushed our way through the videos and I listened to the mp3s whenever I could. I felt immediately calmed and finally able to look forward to meeting my baby. Throughout the birth I knew I could do it, the positive affirmations kept me going and the breathing had such an incredible impact on getting through each surge.
I really can't thank you enough Siobhan and have insisted my midwife spread the word! All women should be able to access your brilliant course and have the opportunity of a positive birth️
We’re truly obsessed with making your pregnancy & birth the best it possibly can be. Prepare for your birth for just £30 with The Ultimate Birth Pack - see why over 1 million people have trusted in us.