Birth story - Mum and baby girl
*Trigger Warning* - previous emergency c section due to fetal distress, growth scan suggested a large baby, and use of contractions as not negative for me.
I've read so many of these birth stories in the run up to both of my births and found them so incredibly helpful and inspiring so I hope mine helps too!
Having my first baby boy in May 2020 meant quite a few things I did not want happened due to covid restrictions, induction and PROM. While I feel positive about his birth as he was born safe and healthy, my recovery from the emergency c section was longer than I had thought it would be and I knew I would want a VBAC the next time I gave birth.
I had a straightforward pregnancy, as I did with my first, and other than heartburn and a complete disgust for almost all food except fruit and salads felt really well and enjoyed being active and running around after my 2 year old. I did have a growth scan as my 1st was born on the 98th centile at 39 weeks and was surprised to find that despite measuring 50th centile on my bump my girl was looking as though she was 90th. Being confident that my body could birth any baby it carried, I shrugged off suggestions that I might need another c section.
Intent not to be induced this time, I started drinking raspberry leaf tea from 32 weeks, eating dates from 34 weeks, and walking up and down hills as much as possible and bouncing on my ball. The growth scan at 36 weeks showed her head was very low (something I was very aware of given the pressure on my bladder) but I was relieved to have confirmed. At 37 weeks I started to have very light cramping and began to have what I thought was my bloody show but may well have been my mucus plug coming away. I was planning on working til 39 weeks so asked about the possibility of working from home from 38 which was approved.
After a weekend of walking, I went in for my 38 week appointment and agreed to a stretch and sweep as previously planned. I was over the moon to be told I was 2cm and she could feel her head. That afternoon I went for another walk with my husband and son and had quite deep period like cramping which I thought was a reaction to the stretch and sweep but now think was early labour pains.
I went to sleep at 10 to wake up at 11:30 with contractions so woke my husband and went downstairs to bounce and watch my favourite film, The Five Year Engagement, to get some more oxytocin flowing. The Freya app showed I was having contractions every 5-7 minutes for between 45-60 seconds. I felt so excited she seemed to be on her way. I couldn't lie/sit still and felt the need to move constantly. I was managing any tension with a wooden comb pressed in my hand and deep breathing and my husband suggested using the TENS machine. My last labour the batteries had run down so I didn't get to try it.) This was magic and meant I could lie down in an upright position and get some rest so we went to bed around 3.
Tuesday morning my boy came in for a cuddle around 6 and I realised everything had slowed down. I felt frustrated but hopeful that I could get things going again. As my husband dropped my son at nursery, I called my parents for a chat and started moving again and when my husband came home with breakfast things ramped up again. I know this was due to his being home and feeling confident we were together. I got back on my ball as my husband packed our bags and at 10:30 we called the hospital to say we intended to head in if everything continued. In the car, things slowed again and after dropping my son's things at my in laws, we went for a walk in a park in the hopes of getting things established again.
Despite our walk in the beautiful sunshine, they didn't so we started to head home again (a 45 minute drive). The closer to home, the more intense the contractions became and by the time we came home at 5 I cried tears of frustration and hated that my son might be away from us at night for the first time for no reason. We had a cuddle and my husband massaged my back while I moved over the ball (TENs machine still going strong) and suggested we try and get some rest. We went to bed at 7 and I woke at 8 with the most intense contractions I'd experienced and continued to dance around in the dark to keep them going. Once more, we got in the car but this time it was dark and I kept an eye mask on ro keep things going. I called the hospital to say we were on our way in and was told they might turn me away as I was still only 5-7 minutes and lasting 1 minute.
Reaching the hospital, I was assessed by a lovely midwife who found I was 5cm. I was so pleased and they moved us to our own room. The room already had fairy lights on and lights dimmed but I kept my eye mask on and I sprayed my room spray and was offered gas and air which I declined preferring to carry on as long as possible with the TENS, breathing, visualisations and movement. I laboured like this til I reached 7cm at 2am. Involuntarily, my body began to push and as this had happened with my first labour I was worried it would stress out my girl who'd thus far been completely unaffected by labour. I did try gas and air but found it ineffective so the midwife suggested an epidural and considering how exhausted I was having had such little sleep and labouring for almost 27 hours we agreed the best thing was to reduce any stress on myself or the baby and have the epidural. They had it in place by 2:30 and I was so relieved to be able to finally rest and stop moving. I was able to chat and joke and enjoy my music and my waters broke at 3 and then they ruptured my other waters at 4 and things progressed easily to 10 cm by 10:30.
They gave us an extra hour to see if she'd move down on her own and then at 11:30 they helped me push by telling me when contractions were occurring. In between pushes, I could feel her moving herself down which was incredible. After 7 sets of 3 pushes each time, my baby girl was born and placed straight onto my chest for skin to skin at 11:57. I was absolutely amazed with her and so overjoyed to have achieved my VBAC.
As everything was fine, we were able to go home 6 hours later after the most wonderful time bonding as a three. Seeing my little boy jump up and down with excitement to meet his sister and shower her in cuddles and kisses was the most wonderful moment.
I hope this helps someone else go for their VBAC too- I promise it's so worth it!

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