Birth story - Mum and baby girl
*Trigger warning* - use of word contraction, small second degree tear
I had debated about having a home birth for months, as there is a ambulance shortage in my area putting strain on services and I was advised against it by my local medical trust. So I went into home birthing with some amount of guilt and trepidation. I kept telling myself it was a ‘nice to have plan a’ and that we would see how it goes in the early stages; any hesitations we would drive in sooner rather than later.
Early labour:
I started having moderate cramping/back ache pains from about 1am. I decided to leave my husband sleeping and went downstairs to labour on and off on the sofa. Contractions were random but averaging about 10-15 mins apart and 45-60 seconds long so I knew I had a way to go. Focused on breathing and dozing in between/audiobook.
Check up:
Things started progressing later in the morning so we called the midwife and she came to check me about 11am. I was 1cm dilated so a good start, but a long way to go still. The midwife left and we called my parents to let them know and they began the 4 hour journey to reach us.
Ramp up:
I went upstairs and alternated between the bathroom (sitting helped), leaning over the bed and lying on my left side (I was advised to do this by the midwife). By the time my parents arrived at 3pm my contractions were about 2 mins apart and I felt like I needed to push with each one so my husband called the midwife again.
I was so out of it lying on the bed upbreathing I didn’t find out until after that it might have been touch and go with the midwives arriving on time! They even mentioned that we might need to call an ambulance if it was looking like they couldn’t make it…
Luckily they got here around 4pm, and at this point I was in the pool downstairs. I was convinced I was only a few cm dilated but when she examined me it turned out I was 10cm!
I got back in the pool and it was at this moment I became so scared (transition). Thankfully the midwives really helped coach me though this last scary pushing phase. My little girl was born at 5:10pm, and I managed to birth the placenta naturally on the birthing stool we had (all intact- that was something I was incredibly nervous about).
I had a graze and small second degree tear but the midwife said that the way I tore meant stitches weren’t really necessary and in her opinion they would heal better by not having them, so we used our B.R.A.I.N.S and decided to leave it.
I feel incredibly lucky, grateful and proud that I managed to have the dream birth I wanted. I appreciate having a relatively quick labour is not common for a FTM but I really do think the hypnobirthing techniques were indispensable as I didn’t have any gas and air! Even when they got to us at 4pm, they said that there was no time to get it out the car, and I was doing fine just by breathing. Tens machine is a must however- that was buzzing on my lower back all day until I got in the pool!

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