Birth story - Mum and baby girl

I started the Hypnobirthing course at week 20 as it had been recommended by a lady from my yoga group. Straight away I liked the attitude of the course and the importance of choice - which can be something you may miss as a first time mum.

The morning of my baby’s birth, I woke at 7 to slight cramps, got out of bed and waters broke slightly. Went to local triage assuming I would come home to go to local birthing centre, but found out I was already 3cm! Within half hour I was 4cm and was not going anywhere! Instead we were sent straight to delivery suite. This part all happened rather quickly, which really pleased me!

By midday I was in a birthing pool and in active labour. I used breathing and the hypnobirthing thought process to get through the stronger surges and the midwives kept commenting they couldn’t believe how calm I was. At one point, between surges, my partner and I rocked out to Bohemian Rhapsody - aided by gas and air! I only used breathing and (quite a lot of) gas and air without any other form of pain relief. This was in my birth preferences and I was so pleased to stick to that!

By 5:30 the surges were coming pretty much consistently but midwives suggested I changed position out of the pool to deliver baby as I was tiring. At this stage, I was happy to go with this choice. I delivered baby two hours later, on the bed, but in a suitable position.

I think the most helpful thing that came out of the course was how empowering it was for a first time mum. Without the knowledge and power, I don’t think I’d have even thought about the importance of a birth plan and would’ve gone with what I was told to do. In this way my baby’s birth was mine. Thank you Siobhan and team for helping with that

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