Birth story - Martha and baby Severn
I was shown your Instagram page in the early stages of pregnancy, and was so relieved to find such positivity around giving birth. I had believed up until then that birth would be awful. That I would be traumatised, in horrific pain and there would be nothing I could do about it.
I was so wrong!!! I wish I’d known what an amazing, humbling, life changing experience it could be. I purchased your book, scrolled through your Instagram saving your affirmations, and got inspired to follow more positive birth accounts.
Knowledge is power! I learned so much about my body and what actually took place during labour. I began to feel excited and empowered and even looking forward to giving birth.
Although my labour didn’t follow the hypnobirthing ideals I had had in mind. I also knew that I wouldn’t know how I would feel until in the moment. But to trust my gut, and go with the flow.
I am a first time Mum and endometriosis sufferer so was never sure if children would be on the cards for me and my husband. I had excision surgery in September last year to remove endo from my ovaries, liver, bowel and intestines. 3 months later I was pregnant! My son was born on the same week as surgery a year later...
Pains that felt like strong period cramps woke me up around 4am. In my sleepiness I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep. But it was persistent, and as I became more awake I realised they were coming every 5/10minutes.
I got out of bed, and went to the loo, where I realised I’d had a show. A wave of excitement came over me. But also the need to be calm, so I got into birth mode with the Freya app.
My husband and I lay on our bed for an hour or two timing my contractions and practicing breathing techniques. It was so helpful to have the app! I can’t recommend it enough. Then I had a bath to relax until we decided it was time to call the midwife unit at the hospital to let them know.
They told us to come in, so we got ourselves ready, grabbed my hospital bag and headed in. Super excited knowing we’d meet our son soon.
By the time I got to the hospital I was only 2cm dilated. So we knew we had some waiting to do. I was sick quite soon after arriving, which had been an unexpected symptom of labour that I hadn’t given much thought to!
The contractions were becoming stronger and much more close together. So we decided to use the birth pool and try some gas and air.
We put on our Baby play list and I spent 3 peaceful hours breathing through my contractions and focusing on what I needed to do. 9 hours in, the contractions were so strong I was shaking through them. I knew that if I was going to enjoy this experience and not come out traumatised, I needed an epidural. Something I had barely even thought about before labour!
We moved upstairs to the consultant ward and waited for the doctors to come. By this point I had stopped talking to my husband and was completely in the zone, focusing on breathing. The gas and air helped!
For me, having an epidural was my best decision. My labour ended up being so long, I know I wouldn’t have made it without! When that had kicked in, I even had a nap!
After about 18 hours in total, I was 10cm dilated and it was time to push. A little wave of nerves hit me, that quickly turned into excitement, knowing that we were so close!
After two hours of pushing, although he was so close to being out, he just didn’t want to budge for the last bit. That’s when a new doctor came in and we discussed an episiotomy. Which had been my worst fear!! I explained I felt like I could do it by myself and I really wanted to try. I was so calm and so was the baby, they gave me another half an hour to try and push.
It didn’t work as his little head was sideways, so we went into theatre. For about 5 minutes I felt a bit out of control. I was getting really anxious and scared but then I remembered my breathing. I also decided that I didn’t want my baby to enter the world with my anxious stressed vibes. So I needed to give him a calm environment to enter into. I instantly relaxed and just went with it. Using my breathing techniques.
After being moved onto the operating table and a top up of my epidural, I threw up all over my poor husband who had just put on his robe! By this time babies head had moved slightly and with the help of forceps I was able to help push him out.
The next thing I know my little love was being placed on my chest, and the overwhelming wave of love hit me. I knew that little body. I have never felt more at home than holding my son in that moment.
All the excitement and exhaustion from the last 21 hours hit me and the rest is quite a blur.
Severn Indiana was born on his due date 16th September at 12.40am, at 7lb 2oz. 😍
I look back on my labour experience with so much love. I feel so empowered to have been able to take such control over myself and my reactions. My little boy was born in a calm and peaceful way, and he is still such a chilled and easy baby.
I have passed your book on to another expecting Mama. It helped me so much. Even down to what to pack in my hospital bag!
Thank you for everything you do. It’s so important.

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