Birth story - Lucy and baby Robin


I had a super positive first time birth with out little baby girl Robin - and I’m keen to share the story with others as reading positive birth stories really helped me to prepare and stay confident in the final trimester of pregnancy.

I started contractions at 41+1 days. I’d had a first sweep earlier in the day, but wasn’t expecting to go into labour so soon as the midwife had told me she thought it may be a little while yet. After the sweep I went for a walk with my partner Richard to get lots of tasty food to have with a film that night. As I was walking I felt there was a change - something was happening! - but I didn’t want to get too excited. When we got home I went for a bath with some aromatherapy oils (which I used for massage to hand express a little colostrum) and whilst in the bath, at around 7pm, started getting what I know now are contractions. At the time I didn’t think they were, as they felt so much like period pains.

For the next few hours the contractions grew in intensity. I still thought they may be practice contractions as a result of the sweep, and moved between the bath, toilet (where I found it really comfortable to sit) and front room - eating what I could and trying to watch some TV. I noticed my poo was looser - another sign! - but kept telling myself to monitor the situation and not get carried away. We spoke to the home birth midwife and she said to monitor and ring again if it ramps up.

It wasn’t long after midnight that I thought this was definitely it. The contractions were regular and getting stronger - I was struggling to speak through them. Richard wanted to start putting the pool up but I didn’t want to put it up and have to put it down again. But at around midnight we did and I’m pleased we didn’t leave it much later.

At around 3.30am the midwife joined us. I remember her getting to the door but I was beyond the point of looking at faces and greeting people - I was fully in the zone. I was concentrating on my breathing (in for 4, out for 8) - this is what kept me going throughout. I was also making sure to “return to green” between each surge, and made sure Richard kept rubbing my back as I leant forward on all fours. The midwife ordered gas and air to be delivered but I didn’t use it until I had some minor stitches after giving birth.

At around 4.30am I got in the pool. Straight away my whole body relaxed with the warmth of the pool and I felt a pop - my waters had broken. Immediately after this I wanted to push, there was no confusing it! I think at this point I became louder and started making loud woofing sounds through each contraction. At around 6am Robin’s head started to emerge and I couldn’t believe we had come so far. There was a strong burning feeling, which I knew was a great sign as it meant her head was emerging. The midwife asked me not to push, and it took a couple of surges with the burning feeling before her head fully emerged. For the final surge her body slithered out - a weird but wonderful feeling - and I reached down to pick up our newborn. It was a wonderful experience like no other.

After half an hour of skin to skin it did not feel like the placenta was following, and so I asked for the injection to speed things along. I had some tearing on my labia which was stitched up on the sofa at home with gas and air.

I was a little nervous about having a home birth with my first child, but I’m so pleased I did. Birthing at home allowed me to get in the zone and stay there without interruption. And it was hypnobirthing that enabled me to focus on breathing, understand the process and stay calm. Thank you to the Positive Birth Company for the video tutorials and book, the Birmingham Women’s Hospital home birth team and all those women before me who have written their positive birth stories.

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