Birth story - Lucy and baby Bodhi
I was lucky enough to have used the PBC for my first baby 2 years ago and it really opened my eyes to how amazing birth can be! 2 years on, baby number 2 is due and this time we decided to have a home birth if all went to plan.
First baby was 2 days early so was pretty sure we would have an early one! But little baby started to make an appearance 5 days after due date this time!
I had been feeling niggles all day but nothing major and had 3-4 hours in between them in the afternoon but did have very small amount of what I only assumed was the bloody show so was hoping babe was fairly imminent…
My little boy stayed at my mums that evening even though I wasn’t completely convinced it was going to happen that evening. Had a bath at 8pm ish and my other half cooked tea. The odd niggle here and there but realised whilst eating tea at 9pm they were definitely contractions around 10 minutes apart.
The pool was already up, and my partner began to fill it. It all felt so quick from here….! I started using the app to time my contractions and it felt like such a short amount of time that it was informing me I was in established labour!! We phoned the midwife unit and they sent out 2 midwives immediately! I was so lucky to have my midwife on call (who also delivered my first!) and when they arrived she was going to check how dilated I was in between concentrations, but that opportunity never arose….I needed to get into the water about 20 minutes after they arrived.
My previous pregnancy, my waters had broken at the beginning but this time they hadn’t so had a huge feeling of pressure. Just as babies head made an appearance, waters broke and 10 minutes of being in the pool out came little boy number 2!
The whole process was 3 hours
Had some stitches on the sofa in the moment of complete delirium which was so completely fine! Had a shower, whilst my other half made toast, tea and pizza for the midwives. They were here for 3 hours post delivery to make sure everything was ok before leaving!
It was such a dream being at home and never though it would be something I would want but the whole process was so relaxed and I certainly wouldn’t have made it to the local unit!!
It’s been a pleasure to write both my stories. You’ve got this mamas.

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