Birth story - Louise and baby Elodie
*Trigger warning* - Previous loss of twins, third degree tear, use of word contraction, Unstable lie at 37 weeks.
Overall, my pregnancy was straightforward until the third trimester when I was admitted for a few days following a scan at 37 weeks as baby was oblique and there were concerns regarding unstable lie. Thankfully she shifted her head into my pelvis and I was discharged. We lost twin boys at 18 weeks last year, and I was monitored closely throughout this pregnancy, supported by the perinatal mental health team and extra scans. I also had great counselling support from a local charity. I followed hypnobirthing for the birth of my first daughter 4 years ago (her birth story is on here!) and had a very positive experience, so was looking forward to using it again. I felt that this birth experience was also very positive, helped by the amazing midwife who went above and beyond to meet our needs (she may be in this group, Mel thank you if you are)
Following my short hosptial admission at 37 weeks, I was keen for baby girl to make an appearance from 39 weeks. I asked for a sweep on my 39 week midwife appointment, however, when she examined me baby's head was still not fixed so was unable to do so. I rebooked for 40 weeks and the same happened. Apparently this is common with subsequent babies. I used the affirmations and tried to relax and realise that my baby would come when she was ready. We were booked in for an artificial rupture of membranes, with possible induction at 40+1, however I went in with the mindset that if baby's head was fixed I would ask for a sweep and then go home again. Thankfully she was!! The midwife was great and gave me a thorough sweep and we returned home that day. The following day I lost my mucus plug and got excited as with my first, that was the start of things! Nothing happened immediately this time. The next day I went for a coffee with a friend and my daughter and returned home mid morning and felt a few dull aches. I called my Mum and asked her to be prepared to collect my daughter (and the dog!). She arrived at 3pm and I felt mild contractions that were becoming more regular. For the next 3 hours I used the Freya app (amazing!) to support my up-breathing and popped on a TENS machine at 5pm ish. We decided to go into the hospital at 8pm, and I made my own way to the delivery triage (husband had to park the car in a multistory!), stopping in the corridor as my contractions were intense by this point.
This is where we met another amazing midwife, and I consented to an examination although really didn't want to get on a bed! Just about managed it, and she said I was 6cm. We asked if the birthing pool room was available and it was! As I moved my waters broke and the midwife said she didn't think we had much time. She got me to the room, and set about filling the pool whilst monitoring baby. I was stood up and by this point was down-breathing, being encouraged by the midwife who clearly knew about hypnobirthing and the breathing techniques. Once the pool was ready I got in and within 5 minutes our amazing Elodie was here! I felt in control throughout and it was amazing being able to lift my baby out of the water myself.
She was so calm, and latched onto my nipple straight away (we didn't have that experience with my first born). We stayed in the pool, I naturally birthed the placenta which was popped into a container and put on the edge of the pool so the cord was still attached. After 30 minutes or so I got out as the midwife just wanted to check me over. Unfortunately she suspected third degree tear, and a doctor confirmed this. We then went into theatre for stitches, which was all fine as nothing was rushed, the whole experience was calm. My husband was able to sit beside me holding Elodie.
Recovery has been fine, and we are all enjoying the latest addition to out family. I hope that my birth story offers some reassurance to anyone who may have similar experiences. Even though I was concerned about my anxiety, it never overcame me and I believe that this is due to breathing techniques, and the right support from midwives.

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