Birth story - Lillie and baby boy

From the moment we became pregnant with our 3rd and last baby I knew I wanted to have a natural birth. I stumbled upon The Positive Birthing Company on YouTube when I was looking into hypnobirthing. I decided to buy the book as well as the Freya app to listen to the audio tracks which were so empowering and soothing. 

At 20 weeks I was diagnosed with VCI or Velamentous Cord Insertion. The chapter about using your B.R.A.I.N was super helpful during my pregnancy once I found out I had VCI to make sure I had all the information on the risks as well as what things might be of benefit. Our biggest concern was growth restrictions as well as stillbirth rates after 39 weeks. My OB was very supportive from the start for me to have a natural vaginal birth, but we also decided that we would induce at 39 weeks for the safety of the baby or if he was showing a big growth reduction. 

At my 36 weeks check up with my OB everything looked great. She tested me for group B and checked my cervix since I was having pain that day. She said I was very soft, but still high and not dilated. 4 days later at 2:45 a.m. I woke up to a gush feeling. I went to the bathroom and another gush happened. I told my husband that I think my water broke so he called the hospital and they recommend us to come in due to this baby being my 3rd and VCI. 

We arrived at the hospital at 3:30 a.m. and they ran a test to confirm that my water did break as well as a rapid Covid-19 test and checked me into a room. Since my Covid-19 test came back negative I was able to take off my mask. My surges at this time were irregular and low intensity to where I was not feeling them. At 7 a.m. my OB started me on a very low dose of pitocin to see if we couldn get things more consistent as well as antibiotics since I was positive for GBS. By 8 a.m. I was staring to feel this building pressure in my pelvis and lower back. My nurse checked me and said I was 2cm and my cervix was still high or -3. She wanted me to wait an hour before getting up to walk or use the ball to make sure the umbilical cord did not move down covering the cervix. The on call OB came in 30 min later and I asked him if I could start on the yoga ball which he said would be just fine. 

By 9 a.m. I was on the ball. My husband tracked my surges with the Freya app as well as massaged my shoulders to remind me to stay relaxed. I kept the positive affirmations mp3 on a constant loop reminding myself to trust my body and that each surge was bringing me closer to holding my baby. 

By noon my surges were about 45 to 60 seconds every minute to 2 minutes. I remembered to use the breathing I learned (in for 4 and out for 8) while using my aromatherapy oils to help me focus. My husband was constantly at my side to encourage me, to help me stay relaxed as well as help me during each surge by applying pressure to the lower back and hips and making sure I stayed hydrated.

At 1:30 p.m. I was no longer comfortable on the ball so we moved into me leaning on my husband and rocking back and forth like we were slow dancing. My husband asked the nurse for a peanut ball for us to try. At 2 p.m.  I got into bed with the peanut ball and noticed my breathing pattern naturally changed. I went with it trusting in my baby and body to do what they need to do. My nurse checked me and said I was 7cm and it should be soon. Four surges later my breathing was more intense and I told my husband I am feeling pressure or like I need to poop. My nurse was shocked that I went from 7 cm to 10 cm in less than 10 min. They got me into position and in 3 pushes my little man was born. It was such an amazing feeling. I was seriously on such a high after he was born. I can't thank the Positive Birthing Company enough for showing me I can have an amazing natural birth experience without fear and experience pure joy.


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