Birth story - Lauren and baby Mason
I never really research anything in life I usually just wing it and thought I’d take the same approach with pregnancy and birth really, ignorance is bliss! I listen to the secret sequel quite frequently so just thought, I can just create my own positive birth story! Then my hair dresser mentioned hypnobirthing to me, which I thought I better look at incase she asks me again! Then another friend offered to lend me a book, which was the positive birthing company! I took the book on my baby moon, and quite frankly I read very little, so I thought I’d go onto the web page and look at courses, my partner was very open to anything. I decided to purchase the digital pack, (at around 20 weeks) as I thought this way I can go back over and over as many times as necessary and it’s much easier if someone tells you the story than if you have to read it yourself! From the first video I was hooked! I loved how short yet detailed they are, Allows you to take in as little information as you want or in my case inspired me to keep watching!
I have remained active throughout my whole pregnancy as I was a regular gym goer before, this was perfect listening while I cycled away!
Siobhan explains the process so well and breaks it down in a way where it keeps you engaged. I loved my workouts even more now. I also listened to the MP3s every night before bed.
I felt positive and refused to listen to any negative birthing stories, I listened to lots of podcasts on positivity, such as happy mum happy baby! Giovanna also talks about hypnobirthing a lot with her guests and the joys of motherhood. I already felt empowered and loved how many positive birth stories there was from this moment I knew mine would be too.
My hairdresser had a bad experience with her antenatal classes so I was a bit apprehensive when I signed up to mine, but Anita the midwife was an advocate of hypnobirthing.
I realised how much I had learnt from the course, when I was there teaching others and also I was like a sales rep for the positive birthday company!
So anyway I had my water birth planned, it was going to be amazing, I felt so happy telling people about hypnobirthing and how ready I was and then..... COVID 19 happened.
Water births cancelled and no birth partners as you can imagine I was a mess, I’d dreamed about my water birth which I guess was silly as things can always deviate from the norm, but once I got my heard round this I was still happy to go to the birth centre. I prayed my baby would be late and the guidelines would have changed, which they did. And then.... the itching started.
I got diagnosed with obstetric cholestasis (OC) at 35 weeks. Another curve ball. I received 2 types of conflicting information from 2 different consultants, 1 was totally chilled about the results of my bile acids, the other called me and said your going in for an induction at 36 + 3. I was shell shocked I didn’t use my BRAIN at all on the call. Fortunately I had a follow up blood test the next day, where I saw a third consultant, I called my partner whilst she explained induction was the safest option. This time I used my brain and my instinct told me the benefits of this were a much better choice.
So now my birth plan was completely different. I had originally been so against inductions but I used my tools and I read positive induction stories in the run up to my induction date. I was ready to bring my baby into the world.
I called the ward in the morning and they told me to come in at 10.30 that day! They gave me the pessary at 2.50pm my partner wasn’t allowed to join until I was in active labour, so I just got myself comfy, made friends with the girls on the ward, and continued to indulge in positivity, podcasts and positive birth stories! I felt like I had totally got this! I had a wobble early evening but watched Netflix and listened to my podcasts and regained happiness. By this point I was missing my partner a lot but just kept telling myself I have got this!
Then the contractions started, I was breathing my way through them, I was convinced it was happening, I messaged my partner to make sure he was ready, I called the midwife and she hooked me up to the monitor, I used my Up breathing and felt like I was in control and ready for the next stage.... then the midwife told me I had to wait 24 hours before anything would happen. I felt so deflated, I didn’t sleep the whole night. The next morning I was like a zombie. Then at 7am I had my show, I was so excited. The doctor came and checked me and because my platelets were low he decided to transfer me to another ward. I wanted to be upright and active but I had zero energy. The new ward was quiet so I just used this time to sleep. I didn’t want to eat, I felt sad.
I was against interventions with my birth preferences but with an induction I felt these were necessary and I used my breathing to ensure I was relaxed when they took place.
My next examination they removed the pessary and I was 1cm dilated, which was good my cervix had changed, they wanted me to wait 6 hours before I checked again to discuss the next steps. It was now 10pm (day 2) and I was 2cm dilated which meant they could break my waters, I felt excited again as I was going to meet my baby very soon! I was just waiting for a delivery room to become free, my partner made his way to the hospital I went and met him outside had a hug and half a sandwich and then went back in, he waited in the car. And then I lost my place in the que, another lady was further along than me, she got preference and again I felt sad but of course I understood it was the right decision. I sent my partner home and went to sleep! In the morning I had a much different outlook I was grateful for the sleep and at the midwife came and told me to get ready I could shower and stuff in the room but she didn’t want me to loose it! I called my partner, I ordered my breakfast. I felt ready for the day ahead!
My midwife came and introduced herself I excitedly told her about my hypnobirthing and gave her my birth preferences. She was all for hypnobirthing and told me that’s why we had been paired together! I already liked her! She told me that induction was slightly different and not to feel defeated if it didn’t go to plan! I felt happy with this advise. I had already wrote on my notes that I didn’t want to be offered any pain relief but I wanted it to be open for discussion should this moment arise.
My partner got out my battery operated tea lights and surrounded the room, my speaker had run out of battery but I didn’t care! We played a relaxing spa playlist from my phone, I felt totally zen and ready for the day ahead.
I ate half a sandwich as I wasn’t allowed to eat after I was on the drip! My waters were broken and I the cannula was in! The Syntocinon was increased every half an hour. I started on 3 with just breathing, by 6 I was on the gas and air, by 12 I couldn’t take the intensity of the contractions anymore so I asked for pethidine, the effect was immediate. I still used my breathing techniques throughout. When I forgot, my partner reminded me to breathe. By around 2pm I felt the transition and by body started pushing. This period lasted over 2 hours for me, at the end I ran out of steam so had an episiotomy. At 4.09pm on 9/04/20 I welcome my little boy Mason into the world and I am totally besotted x
I did have the injection to birth my placenta, by then I was totally exhausted and I just wanted to enjoy cuddles with my baby boy.
Whilst my birth was totally different from what I had dreamed it would be it was still a really positive experience. I would like to thank the PBC for teaching me the science of giving birth and also to be prepared for any changes that may arise. My birth preferences were a great help, but most of all the breathing techniques and positive affirmations were what got me through my pregnancy and the birth of my beautiful son.
The best £45 I ever spent xx

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