Birth story - Kirsty and baby Isaac

This is my second birth, after having a long withdrawn labour with my last pregnancy I felt very anxious about giving birth for the second time. My first pregnancy I attended yoga classes and felt it really helped me relax however due to busy life with a toddler I couldn’t attend them this time round so decided to give hypnobirthing a go! I’d heard so many positive stories and wanted to know more.

I bought the digital pack and also attended Siobhan’s book launch in Birmingham and have read the book also throughout my pregnancy. I listened to the audio tapes most nights and read the positive birth affirmations. I felt the course gave me more knowledge and also made me feel in control making informed decisions and so that I could experience the birth that I wanted.

I decided I wanted a water birth in a maternity led unit with as little intervention as possible, I wanted my birth experience to be a calm relaxing experience and something I could look back on positively.

My daughter (first pregnancy) arrived 4 days early so when I got to my due date this time round I felt anxious that my body wasn’t doing what it was meant to. I went over 10 days, accepted two sweeps just because I feared being induced and thought if it could get things moving then it would be better than induction and the long process of staying in hospital. I had Braxton Hicks from around 38 weeks and false labour occurred twice. Finally on 9th May I woke up not feeling right sharp pains and feeling generally unwell and in pain, I decided to just carry on with my day and experienced pain all day long and tightenings.

By 7pm I had had enough and called the midwife led unit, we went in to be told baby was back to back and the pain I was experiencing was because of this, I was only 1-2 centimetres dilated and to go home and rest, my baby will come when it’s ready. By 11pm my surges were coming every 15 minutes I ran a bath and tried to stay at home as long as possible. By 00:30 am my surges were every 3 minutes and becoming closer together.

We went into hospital and my midwife who also delivered my daughter, very special, examined me and I was already 5cm. I soon got into the birthing pool and used my breathing technique to get through the surges, I couldn’t wait to meet my baby.

My last labour was seven hours this time two hours, I felt in control and determined to birth my baby how I’d planned. At 4.24am I birthed a healthy baby boy and I’ve been in love ever since. Hypnobirthing has helped me feel empowered, strong and able to listen to my body. It has also enabled me to feel confident in decision making.


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