Birth story - Kim and baby boy

I discovered the digital back when I was about 30 weeks and only got around to watching the videos and buying a room spray! But wow... the videos really opened my eyes to how labour can be viewed especially as I’d never laboured before.

My waters broke on Thursday as I was putting my others to bed and I started getting mild contractions immediately. As I was a VBAC we went straight in. Using the up breathing I managed the contractions in triage and was told I was already 4cm at first check. So we went through to the labour ward and I started with a little gas and air. This helped but again I used the up breathing to get to 7/8cm. Then I had some pethadine, which helped a little until I was fully dilated. I couldn’t believe how quickly I had got to this stage and it felt uncomfortable but manageable as long as I was bent over or bouncing on the ball and keeping calm. The baby was also super happy throughout so I am so grateful for the videos for that.

When I was fully dilated my contractions seemed to stop and despite me trying my best to push when I contracted he seemed stuck so with the help of a really nice and thorough explanation from a consultant and using BRAIN we decided to get the baby out using forceps. So I went into theatre and my baby boy was born soon after. I had an episiotomy and a tear but was stitched up and it was all managed so well that I never really experienced any concern or discomfort.


I think the hypnobirthing techniques not only really helped my birth but also really made me think about how they can be applied in lots of different life situations so thank you Positive birth company!! Good luck to all! X


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Birth story - Chelsea and baby boy


Birth story - Esther and baby Arthur