Birth Story - Katie and baby James
I’m so happy to be able to share my positive birth story. We welcomed James into the world on Weds 23 May at 6.27am and I cannot thank Siobhan enough for the online hypnobirthing course - it totally transformed my approach to birth, and meant that it was the most positive experience.
James is my 2nd baby, and although the birth of my first son in 2015 had been fairly straight forward, I found myself approaching this second birth with fear and negativity. It wasn’t until I finished work at 38 weeks that I did something about it and downloaded the Positive Birth Company digital pack - I wish I had done it sooner so I would have considered a home birth, but, even at 38 weeks, working through all of the videos transformed my mindset and made me look forward to the impending birth. My husband was totally supportive and watched many of the videos with me.
My due date came and went on 12 May; I employed BRAIN and declined a sweep at 40+4, reminding myself that my baby would come when my baby was ready. My midwife was great and totally supported this decision. She also fought my corner when the hospital where I was booked to give birth was pushing for me to be induced at 40+10 (as apparently that was the only day they could fit me in to do so?!). Again, using BRAIN, I said that I didn’t want an induction that early. My midwife helped me instead to get an appointment with the consultant at 40+12 if still no baby, to chat through the induction possibilities then. I remained hopeful that appointment wouldn’t be needed and I was right as James arrived of his own accord the day before at 40+11!
I went to bed on Tuesday night feeling no different to any other night, but I had my first surge just after 11pm. The next one came 10 minutes later and that was that - never less than 10 minutes between them, gradually getting longer and more powerful. I used my Up Breathing from the very start and I felt totally calm and controlled, relaxing between surges with a little snooze when possible and listening to the mp3s. By about 4am, the surges were becoming very powerful and I needed my husband’s help to count through them (I had let him stay asleep figuring we were in for a long night!). He rang the hospital at this point, & my parents so that they could come over to look after our 3 year old. The hospital suggested I give it another hour before ringing them back; by 5am the surges were pretty much 3 within 10 minutes, lasting a minute, so we got ready to set off. We live 40 mins from the hospital and, thankfully, there wasn’t much traffic at that time, but because of the intensity and rapidity of the surges, it took a bit longer to get me in and out of the car! So it was 6am by the time I got to hospital - I was Up Breathing through every surge and felt like I was in my own place of calm.
As soon as we got to the ward, my waters broke, and I felt like I needed to push. I started Down Breathing, was wheeled on a bed to the delivery room that had a birthing pool... and I gave birth about 15 minutes later on all fours! No time for my hoped-for water birth, but the most positive experience - I felt completely calm and in control, and managed through the whole birth with just the breathing techniques! As James came out in such a rush, I did tear a little - but just as Siobhan had said, I felt nothing more than a little sting at that point! Incredible.
And now here we are, 1 week on; I still feel like superwoman when I think back to the birth and can’t quite believe I did it! Although with hindsight, we should have left home a bit earlier.
Thank you again, Siobhan - the £35 digital pack was the best money I have ever spent, it absolutely transformed my birth experience and I will be forever grateful. I have already recommended the Positive Birth Company to 3 pregnant friends and will sing your praises whenever I can!

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