Birth story - Jessica and baby Alfie
I wanted to thank you so much for all you have created it helped more than I ever thought to have an amazing birth!
My first daughter I had at 40+5, spontaneous labour and a 6 hour labour. Although nothing was really bad about this birth I felt unempowered, uninformed and that I spent 6 hours laid on my back struggling and screaming through each contraction until she arrived. I then went on to have post natal depression and looking back I barely remember the day I gave birth or the first couple of months of her life really.
So when we found out we were expecting again I knew straight away something had to change! I found the positive birth company through a post the unmumsy mum had shared on Instagram, I always thought hypnobirthing was all silly mushy nonsense but I couldn't have been more wrong! After a few weeks following their insta seeing positive birth stories on there, the mantras and then watching the free videos Siobhan had done on youtube I decided to go for it and purchase the digital pack!
After completion I felt so informed i really didnt realise that you had such a say in your birth which saying now sounds so silly! The main things I took from the pack was the upbreathing which I used through the whole induction process from breaking waters to the surges, creating your birth space using the senses and the mantras really helped ! After a bit of an up and down pregnancy with cholestasis, growth scans and reduced movements it was decided I would be induced the following day after my last scan and check with the doctor.
So friday morning we went in at 9am ready to have our induction process started and we were fully aware and ready for it to be a long and maybe difficult process but I couldn't have been more wrong. Upon first examination my cervix was hiding behind so the first lot of gel was applied and I was left with that for 6 hours. In this time we went for brunch in the cafe with my parents, went for a lovely walk all around the grounds in the sunshine, played the chase, did crossword puzzles and just enjoyed a couple hours just me and my fiance.
Upon examination at half 4 my waters were able to be broken which was fab a little uncomfy more than painful and whoosh out they came, 10 minutes later I was getting mild surges but after 20 minutes they were coming quicker, longer and more intense. My mum and midwife were saying itll be a while of this yet and we went into the pool room to get settled and comfy and get the pool running. I went for a wee and felt a change in intensity. Midwife was reluctant to examine as assumed I'd be very little dilated and knowing my birth preferences didnt want to disappoint me but I asked her to check as couldn't go on with this pain upon checking I was 6cm dilated and each surge was building. The midwife stopped filling the pool and said there wouldn't be time to get in there as after i just knew this was it and I needed to push. The midwife checked again about 15 mins after the last one and to everyones surprise I was 10cm and a few pushes later using down breathing Alfie arrived at 18:45!
Labour was amazing, the whole day was amazing, my midwife for the whole day start to finish was amazing, my birth partners and the arrival of my little boy was amazing! We had delayed cord clamping the longest golden hour and were left to some family time in our mood lit room it was perfect. With no tears or grazes and no other concerns for me or Alfie we were home and in bed by 2 am.
Thank you so much PBC for creating the amazing digital pack, I really thought the minute I was told we were having an induction it was going to be such a long and rubbish time ending with some sort of interference like epidural then onto episiotomy, forceps or even c section but I really had the best birth experience!
I cant wait to get stuck into the postpartum one now! 💙❤👨👩👧👦

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