Birth story - Jenny and baby Finlay
I can't thank Siobhan and the Positive Birth Company enough for making sure I was mentally ready. I re-watched the section on induction just before I went in. I had had a very positive first birth but having gestational diabetes this time round meant that I had certain considerations - though I managed to work round them as you will read.
I knew that I was going to be induced at 38 weeks (due to baby's growth slowing - probably linked to me having GD). This was a similar gestation to my first who came spontaneously so I hoped that my body would be working towards getting ready. I had some reflexology and aromatherapy (with clary sage) about 4 days before and started to feel a few period type pains in the days before. I kept up with massaging the pressure points and applying the oil blend daily until induction. The night before I went to a relaxation session at the local yoga studio as I knew that being relaxed was important and I needed all the feel good chemicals I could get for my body to feel safe enough to go into labour.
We went in at about 10 o'clock on the Monday morning. Baby was monitored for a bit and I listened to some of the relaxation tracks that I had brought with me. Around 11:30 the pessary was put in. I couldn't sit down at that point (as the pessary was working to set things off) so after a quick lunch that I ate standing up we started to walk the corridors of the hospital and round the grounds. I phoned my sister to occupy my mind.
I remember thinking that I would get too tired if I walked around all day so we headed back to the ward and I got one of the birth balls and rested over it.
This really helped to calm things down and I rested a bit. I remember thinking that I needed to get some happy chemicals going so I changed my music to something more upbeat and bounced around on the ball and danced in the cubicle.
Around 5ish they wanted to examine me. At this point they needed to start monitoring baby and the only working wireless monitor was being used elsewhere so I opted for monitoring via a clip on baby's head as this would allow me to be as mobile, upright and active as possible. I was a few centimetres dilated and while they were looking they broke my waters as they were bulging.
All vaginal examinations and interventions were done with gas and air as I knew this would be the most relaxing way for me to have them done. I wrote this in my birth plan as it was very important that this happened.
I can't remember when surges started but I was now in the delivery suite and with everything progressing I started using the TENS machine and continued with UP breathing when each surge came. At some stage I went on the syntocin drip as this was the next stage of induction. I was making progress and I remember being told that I had got to 4 cms.
Labour continued and I tried to stay as active as possible, mainly sitting on the ball and leaning against the bed. This continued into the night. As the drip delivered more syntocin, surges got more intense and I wanted some drugs. After a discussion with the midwives (using BRAIN) I opted for diamorphine over pethadine as I wanted to be able to feel when I needed to push.
I can't remember if I was examined again but I think I was still around 4 cms and there was talk about not progressing much. Surges were more intense and so, thinking that I had hours to go, I opted for an epidural. The anaesthetist arrived and I knew I would have to sit very still for him to site the epidural. I was really struggling to move into the right position to sit on the bed. We quickly found out why when the midwife said, "hang on everyone. I can see baby's head."
The doubts I had been having about being able to carry on were obviously because I had been in the transition phase but no one had noticed - probably because I was handling it better than they expected due to the hypnobirthing!
I flipped onto my knees on the bed and pushed two or three times and baby came tumbling out. The second stage was recorded as 1 minute in my notes!
The relief was immense and it was so wonderful to meet our new baby, Finlay at 2:15 am. He weighed 6lb 2oz so his predicted weight was pretty spot on.
Having a birth plan and being very clear with staff that I wanted an active birth (and my birth partner (husband) knowing my wishes made a huge difference in both births). I hope this has been a positive induction story that will inspire others to know it is possible to birth the way you want to even when there are certain medical things to work round.
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