Birth story - Jenny and baby Alfie
The day was finally here,... Wednesday 20th of June, your due date.
Your daddy stayed at home from work and we ordered take away (Chinese food) to celebrate your due date. We also went for a little walk around the park and enjoyed the sunshine. Daddy and I were talking about you and how funny it would be that you might decide to make an entry in your due date after all.
I already had a few surges but they died down in the evening so I had a lovely bath with candles and I listened to the positive affirmation mp3.
We went to bed and I woke up at around midnight, feeling light surges. I started timing them and they were quite regular. After an hour I woke up your daddy and told him that I think this is it. He was so lovely and set up the living room with candles and dimmed lighting. He also put on the positive affirmations for me to listen to.
We continued timing the surges and I could feel them becoming stronger. We were so excited to get to met you soon.
At 5 am we called our midwife Katharina, and she then came at 7am to check in on us. Your daddy was amazing, counting my breathing and massaging my back and stroking my arms, feeding me snacks and keeping me hydrated with coconut water.
When the midwife came I was 2 cm dilated and she said she would be back a bit later and I should get some rest as it’s still going to be a while. Your daddy and I went to bed and I had a little sleep, breathing through the surges which were becoming stronger and stronger.
At 15:00 we called our midwife again to ask her to come as now the surges were regular and building in intensity. When she came , I was 4-5 cm dilated and she started to prepare the pool. The warm water was lovely and soothing and I stayed in there for a while. Your daddy kept stroking my back and telling me how well I was doing and how proud he was and that we are going to meet our beautiful baby, you, soon.
This kept me going as I had a few wobbles and I was a bit tired. I asked to be examined again and I was 9cm!!!
I burst into tears , so did your daddy, as this meant that it’s not long until we got to meet you.
I got back into the pool as I felt the surges changing and I could feel that it was time to push. It was very intense and I honestly struggled with the down breathing. In the pool my waters broke and I could feel your head. You had hair!!!! Throughout pregnancy I would always imagine you with hair when you were born.
I told your daddy and he got very emotional.
I had to get out of the water because your head would not come out, we had to try a few different positions but still, I struggled. Our midwife suggested that we should try 3 more surges to push out your head before she would have to make a small cut. But I asked her to do it straight away because daddy was getting worried about me and you. A small cut and your head was born, another push and there you were. You started crying straight away and it was the sweetest sound we have ever heard.
You got put on my chest immediately and I couldn’t believe I had done it. You were here. Finally. I will never forget your daddy’s reaction, completely in awe of you. You grabbed on to his finger straight away, holding it ever so tightly. Our lovely midwife Katharina took a video and some pictures and we will treasure them forever. A few seconds after your arrival I could feel another light surge, one push and the placenta came out.
You were born on Thursday the 21st of June 2018, on the longest day of the year, at 22:12 pm on our living room floor in front of the sofa.
We had the golden hour on our sofa , skin to skin. You had your eyes open and you were looking around and you made little squeaky noises and trying to regulate your breathing. Daddy was sitting next to us , staring at you, completely in love. We had delayed cord clamping and daddy cut the cord. I was so proud.
Katharina showed us the placenta , it was a really big one , which meant I had done well in nurturing you:-)
You were born 4040kg and 54cm tall, you little chunky monkey.
After the golden hour Katharina helped me clean up and you had skin to skin with your daddy in bed.
When I came, my heart made a little jump, seeing you both together. I got into bed and Katharina cleaned up and left us for the night, at 01:00 am in the morning. She said she would be back to check on us the same day, at 11:00 am. So there we were, with you in between each other, on our bed, shattered and overwhelmed but so happy that you were finally here with us.

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