Birth story - Jenesse and baby Robson
After a 5 mile walk, I got home and my back began to ache - nothing bad but a dull ache... I had had no previous aches or pains during pregnancy so I thought this odd. I didn't even consider it to be the start of labour as it was my first baby and I was 37 weeks and 2 days. I fully expected to go 40 weeks.
At 8pm, it was clear I was in labour as the surges were frequent. Each time I was having a surge, I stood up, walked around the living room as this helped me control the pain. Once the surge was over, I sat back down and hydrated - this was my partners job to encourage me to drink throughout. I continued to do this until 1.30am and then contacted Delivery Suite. I spoke to a Midwife who told me to ring back in the morning at 8am as this was my first baby and I seemed to be managing OK at home. I continued to do my breathing techniques and managed to fall asleep on and off for a few hours, standing up every now and again and taking sips of water.
At 8am, I rang the Delivery Suite as I was concerned my surges were more frequent and they told me to come in at 9am. I was unsure where to go as it was the height of the pandemic and we hadn't had our walk around. We headed to where we had previous scans as I knew there would be Midwives available. Luckily, the first Midwife I bumped into had taken care of me throughout and she knew right away I was in labour and offered to take me to the assessment ward. My partner and I walked with her and I continued to do my breathing the whole way. We arrived at the ward but unfortunately my partner wasn't allowed to come in with me for the assessment because of Covid. The Midwife told him they would contact him as soon as I had been moved to Delivery Suite. I was disappointed but I understood the reasoning for this.
The Midwife showed me to my bed and asked me to lay on the bed to check the baby. I was far more comfortable standing up during a surge as I could control my breathing. She checked me stood up. Baby was doing fine. My surges were very strong and powerful at this point with no rest bite in between. Then something changed.
The Midwife asked me to lay on the bed and check my Cervix. It was too late, I knew the baby was on its way and I was ready to give birth. My beautiful baby boy was born at 9.52am weighing 5.15oz with zero complications and zero pain relief.
The experience was so powerful and positive!!! It felt very surreal having my baby boy on my chest. I am due to give birth again soon and I hope for an almost identical birth story - hopefully my partner will make the birth of his second child as restrictions lesson.

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