Birth story - Jazmine and baby Lyla

* Trigger warning* - GBS (Group B Strep Infection)

Reading these stories during the last couple months of pregnancy really helped me so I’ve finally got round to mine with the hope it helps someone else. Even though things didn’t go to “plan” I loved every moment of my birthing experience – I felt like a superwoman and completely in control of my body and was able to make every decision myself and that’s all down to PBC.

11/08 – I had my second sweep but midwife told me my cervix was still pretty much closed so agreed to book an induction a few days later. I went for a nice walk afterwards whilst coming to terms with the fact that I might be having an induction.

I woke up at 4am with a tummy ache; I thought it was the curry so didn't think anything of it. It kept coming back every 5 minutes. I woke my husband up, called Mum & Dad, called triage and they told us to come in (used Freya app whilst on the phone).

As soon as I walked into triage I threw up and got examined – sure enough I was in established labour - so I went straight to the birth centre (more like a deluxe hotel suite!)

I had GBS (Group B Strep) so was given antibiotics throughout (which I was more nervous about because I hate needles but using PBC breathing techniques really helped).

After 12 hours of intense surges, using just breathing techniques, on the ball and in the bath I accepted the midwife to break my waters; I had only gone up 1cm since arrival and the little one had turned back to back. Every time the midwives asked to examine me or talk about intervention, I remembered PBC and questioned before making a decision. As my surges were stronger and happening without any break in between I accepted the epidural so we moved to the labour ward. What a game changer that was - I went up 4cm within an hour, baby had turned back and I could talk again - wahey!

We decided to grab some Maccy D's to give me the energy to push but as soon as my husband came back I was 10cm so I managed a few chips. Although the midwives reminded me that I could press the epidural boost button it was important for me to feel the pushing so I asked for gas and air instead.

2 hours pushing time later (a lot of red face, groaning, nearly breaking my mum and husband’s fingers) they told me it was likely I would have to go into theatre. Hearing this and using the positive affirmations I found some inner strength and pushed as hard as I could with the next surge. There was movement but I still needed some assistance so I asked for anything other than theatre and they said they could try the ventouse (which I accepted) and on Thursday 12th August at 12.34am, our beautiful wide eyed baby GIRL was born!

She was placed on my chest skin to skin straight away and then the best cry came out. My husband cut her cord and she was cleaned up.

I was so exhausted so struggled to get the placenta out – even with the injection nothing was happening. My mum put Lyla straight on my boob and she latched on straight away. This helped the placenta to pass and an hour later I was cleaned and stitched up.

The whole team were incredible and allowed us to stay in the room for six hours before moving to the ward so my husband and mum could stay with me the whole time.

Even though I didn’t give birth in the birth centre, my experience was an incredibly positive and empowering one and that is all down to PBC giving me the confidence and skills to trust my instincts.

My heart has never been so full! This overwhelming love is just the most incredible feeling. I am the luckiest girl in the world and have truly found my purpose.

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