Birth story - Jaskinder and baby Beyant
This pregnancy was simple with no complications. I did have Covid pretty much as soon as I found out I was pregnant, but luckily it was mild. I started to have pelvic girdle pain from 30 weeks onwards but this was managed through stretches and by using the gym ball. I was sent for extra growth scans as my baby was measuring small, but I wasn't too worried as I'm petite myself and knew my baby was the right size for me!
When they say it happens quicker the 2nd time round they are NOT joking!!!!!
I woke up on Friday 6th around 6am feeling some tightenings. I thought it's just the usual Braxton Hicks so carried on as usual. (I was getting these a lot from around 35 weeks onwards) I noticed around 9am they were coming more often and quite powerful. Then they stopped for a few hours. I was definitely very confused as to what was happening. When I would get the Braxton Hicks they weren't strong at all, but these were. They picked up again when I went for a walk, I was having to stop each time they came. I rang the midwife around 12pm just to let them know what was happening and that I might be in later on.
Fast forward until 5pm, they were coming every 5 minutes and were very very powerful. We showered up and got the bags in the car and rang the midwifes who said to head in. I told my husband to go and have his dinner then we'd leave. I had another surge and suddenly felt my body starting to bare down. I called my husband back and told him we need to leave RIGHT NOW as I felt the need to push.
As we were leaving I gave my little girl a kiss and then felt super emotional! (I think I was transitioning at this point) I honestly don’t remember the car journey there. My husband drove very fast, and I kept telling him I needed to push. He told me not to in the new car please!!
We pulled up at the maternity ward and I waddled inside with the help of my husband. The midwives helped me into a side room as the assessment ward was full. I kept saying I bet I'm like 2/3cm, I’m going to be sent home. It felt like she took ages checking but she finally looked up and said you're 9cm!!!!! My husband and I were shell shocked! I had previously said I'll aim to be around 6cm upon arrival this time, wanting to spend majority of the labour at home. We just couldn't believe I had made it just in time!
My husband reassured me everything was going to be fine and that I'd done amazing so far! they said there wouldn't be time to get me down to the labour suite so I started to prepare myself. I started to push (definitely pooed!! And then apologised for it! ) Suddenly one of the midwifes came and said come on let's get her down there. Next thing I know I'm being wheeled down whilst on all 4s on the bed. My husband running behind me, it was like something out of a movie! I honestly thought I was going to go flying into the corridor but I managed to hold on! My waters broke on the way!
We got into the labour room and I was transferred onto the bed, staying in an UFO position. I carried on pushing and accepted a little help from the midwife as to when to push and around 5 minutes later our beautiful baby girl was born. Only 20 minutes after arrival!! The relief was incredible!!
I received a 2nd degree tear for which I needed stitches. I happily accepted some gas & air and got stupidly high off it, that stuff is amazing!!! I enjoyed lots of skin to skin and she enjoyed some milk from me!
It took a while for me to process it all as it happened so quickly and was super intense. I sort of wish it happened a little slower so I could enjoy it more but it was just meant to be this way and I've accepted that. I'm so grateful my beautiful baby girl is healthy and growing so fast! For anyone wondering her name means 'limitless' and I'm sure she'll be breaking boundaries in the future! Good luck to everyone expecting you got this!

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