Birth story - Holly and baby Seth
I am a second time mum and decided to do Siobhans course after a few of my friends had had such a great birth experience. For all you first time mums, my first birth was only negative because I felt totally unprepared and had no tools to help guide me though the process, so you are all off to an incredible start to welcoming your baby into the world
The Birth of my little boy started with irregular surges on Wednesday the 20th. I didn't notice that they were of any significance until around 2pm as I had been experiencing mild period cramps on and off for the previous two weeks.
However, after a morning of frantic cleaning while my little boy was at nursery, I sat down for a cuppa and noticed that the mild surges were coming every 4 to 7 minutes lasting around 40 seconds. At this point I felt a bit in denial as my waters broke with my first son before I had any surges, but this hadn't happened this time round.
Anyway, my husband came home from work and we timed the surges for a while. They continued to come at irregular intervals until about 1 am. Up until this point I had got our candles out, used my essential oils and liquid yoga room spray and can honestly say it was a relaxing if not surreal experience.
I rang and spoke to the midwives when I felt the time was right and they told me to come in to the hospital. As I expected, the change of location slowed down my surges for a while, but the midwives were very relaxed and very keen for me to dim the lights, get the candles back out and spray my sprays which was great.
I had a slight wobble and decided I wanted some kind of pain relief (not because I was actually in pain but I think I felt overwhelmed) as I went into established labour. But my husband was really supportive and talked me back around and the midwife really reminded me to continue with my up breathing (which is amazing for focus).
As the sun came up in the 21st the sky looked like it was on fire and was so amazing to see, it made the whole process feel quite magical. I continued with my up breathing and when I was expected to be about 7 cm the midwife ran the birthing pool for me.
I spent two hours in the pool, using gas and air for the surges and had lavender on a muslin to smell which was really relaxing. We also had our playlist on in the back ground.
When I transitioned into the down stage of labour the sensation and the uncontrollable push from my body was incredible to experience. My midwife was so supportive and didn't want to interfere at all, she just knew from the change in my noises that I was ready to deliver my baby.
I think the difference between my first labour and second labour was the ability to allow my body to do it's thing and not fight against a very intense sensation. I can honestly say that I didn't find this experience painful, and actually found it quite nice/satisfying because I was so in ore of what my body was doing. I kept the affirmation that 'my surges are not stronger than me because they are me' firmly in my mind and because of this, I feel that I had the best experience of my life so far
My little boy Seth came into the world at 09.46 on the summer solstice in the most incredibly calm way and I am still on the biggest high imaginable. John Lennons 'beautiful boy' was playing as I delivered my little boy, and I know I will never be able to hear this song now without crying
I can not thank Siobhan enough for giving myself and my husband the tools to experience birth in the most magical way

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