Birth story - Hollie and baby Bonnie
Friday 10th late night I felt like I needed the loo got up around 3 times then 12 o'clock came and I finally realized I was getting surges as liying down was a no go any more. I woke my husband up to let him know what was going on but told him to get some rest as he had worked a very long day.
I started to time my surges at around 2am Saturday, as it got to around 5.30am I was having a lot longer surges lasting nearly a minute. This is when I asked for someone to come out. Tracy (midwife) came out to check on me, she asked if I wanted to be examined and I agreed. I was 2cm she gave me a sweep ( I wasn't dishearten by this as I knew it was the real deal). Tracy then left but she was sure she would see me again later on. Throughout the whole of Saturday day my husband and I went on many walks around the farm did lots of bouncing on my ball watched films and ate lots of flapjacks lol. I did try a tens machine but got annoyed with it so just stuck with breathing.
As the even drew on my surges were becoming really long which meant I was never getting the 3 in ten minutes. This is when my husband rang to get another midwife out. I was 4cm-5cm she was amazed how long my surges were lasting. She stayed on and I remember sitting in the kitchen with my 3 dogs talking to her about farm life, the freedom you have with a home birth is amazing I felt so relaxed almost like having a friend round for a cuppa tea.
This is now when I don't remember times. I remember being upstairs stating to feel like I needed to push but not, it was really confusing! This was when my husband started to fill the pool also another midwife was called out. I was then encouraged to get in the water as I really didn't know what I wanted to do with myself. As soon as I got in the water it was lovely, I remember my husband eating a bacon sandwich and sitting on my ball while chatting to the midwifes and me.
Surges started to ramp up late Sunday morning and my body stated to push. This had gone on for a while so Tracy, who was back again, said she needed to call an ambulance as I wasn’t progressing as much as they liked. She then said let's get out the pool and see what happens. Well that's when things really stared as soon as I was up out the water that was it baby was coming thick and fast I ended up giving birth to my baby girl by the side of the pool on the knees (which was the most uncomfortable position ever but it got the job done) I was determined I would have my baby at home and I did just as the ambulance turned up. She was out! My husband said it was the most amazing thing he had ever seen to see his child being born it was a girl!!!
She had delayed cord clamping I didn't get my skin to skin straight away as my third stage took longer as I didn't want an injection but in the end I had to have it. After the midwifes were concerned about my blood loss as I couldn't get onto my knees feeling really light headed. This was again when an ambulance was called I was taken into hospital I didn't feel panicked or stressed I was on such a high from having my baby my husband was so calm and followed with baby and my mum to the hospital.
I had to be put on a drip and then had 2 litres of blood put back in me it was a long night but I felt so looked after and cared for by family and staff. I was discharged the next day late afternoon.
I couldn't speak higher of all the midwifes and my husband I didn't feel panicked and was well informed at all times.
Couldn't be more happier I felt like a super woman. 1 week old today can't believe it!!!

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