Birth story - Hannah and baby girl
I found the Positive Birth Company and it made me look forward to birth with no epidural, even though I'm terrified of everything medical, I have no medical history, and am a massive wimp!
I did up breathing through all my contractions, they weren't painful at all, way less intense than period pains, and because I coped so well they did not think I was in labour and was sent home from hospital twice.
When they checked at the third arrival in hospital, I was 6cm dilated. I got in the birth pool and, within 30 mins, was pushing.
I had been in labour 4 days and 4 nights at this point and my body went in ketosis, my heart rate dropped, baby started struggling etc so I was rushed to the labour ward for assisted birth with Ventouse. It happened extremely quickly and before I knew it, my beautiful baby was in my arms!
The reason that I coped so well with labour is thanks to this hypnobirthing programme. I timed my contractions with Freya and they never reached 3 in ten, there was always about 3-5 mins between each one, even at 8cm dilation. I did not find any of the contractions painful and managed to be in deep relaxation throughout, for 4 days and nights.
I look back with amazing memories of my relaxed labour in the birthing centre and at home. And it was all worth it for our beautiful baby girl.
I was sick with Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) my entire pregnancy, and was on a drip during parts of it, and that experience made the labour and birth an absolute breeze and put it all into perspective. My labour might have been 5 days, but it wasn't 9 months!!

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