Birth story - Hannah and baby Alexander

*Trigger warning* - Mention of rapid delivery, contractions, blood loss.

I had a very good pregnancy despite being flagged up initially due to raised BMI (35) and due to significant blood loss with my first son. The extra scans and appointments were nice to see the little fella growing. I was dissuaded from having the home birth I’d really wanted but living remotely, I knew the risk was too high if I had a bleed.

Baby’s due date came and there was no sign he was coming! We enjoyed the extra time together as a family of three going for breakfast dates and spending time with our first little boy who is 3 years old.

At 40+3 I was offered a sweep, which I declined. I had one with my first which had triggered labour but I felt this time I didn’t want any intervention and for my body to do the work, when it was ready. I had a curry, some raspberry leaf tea and then on 40 + 5 we went for a long walk along Southend sea front with our little boy, having an ice cream and chips. Whilst sitting eating the chips I started to feel some mild contractions and, as I returned home in the car, these became more distinct.

My husband put my little boy to bed that night and slept in the other room to give me some space. I laboured through the night, managing to doze. The contractions were getting more intense as morning came. My husband took my boy to nursery and I continued to labour using the wonderful Freya app and rocking in my grandmother’s old rocking chair - counting the breathing as I rocked. My husband left me to it as I was zoned in and mostly dozing off to Siobhan’s voice and recording the contractions on the app.

My Dad came to pick up my son’s suitcase at about 1300. We’d just rung the hospital as the Freya app had said I was in established labour - I told the midwife I wasn’t convinced as I was managing to have a conversation with her. My first labour had taken three days so I felt I was not at the point where I needed to leave. She said not to leave it too long. I had a fairly chilled conversation with my Dad but then realised that him and my husband talking was bringing me out of my zone. Dad left.

At 1325, my waters broke and we decided to swiftly leave for hospital. My contractions increased in intensity at this point and my ‘out’ breaths were a bit more expressive! I heard the children playing next door in the sunny garden say ‘Hannah’s in labour.’ We managed to get in the car and make our way. I had noise cancelling head phones on and closed my eyes, focusing on the meditations and no longer recording contractions.

More of my waters came out in the car and my contractions increased in intensity. I was calm but knew I needed to get to the hospital quickly. My husband said my ‘out’ breaths sounded like a braying horse! I concentrated just on breathing and listening to the meditations but could feel the baby had descended....I think the Freya app kept me focused.

We arrived at the hospital and I managed to hobble my way in, stopping to manage each contraction. Nobody paid a blind bit of notice to my animal noises, except a nurse who went ahead to the maternity ward to say we were coming. We went in the lift that annoyingly stopped on each floor! We made it to the maternity suite but the baby was coming quickly now!!

In the foyer to the labour suite, a health assistant tried to take my temperature and my husband’s, not really understanding quite how close I was to birthing right there in the foyer! She tried to put me in a wheel chair to wheel me to a room but sitting was not comfortable as baby had descended and I managed to yell STOP loud enough that several midwives came to the rescue! A wonderful midwife came right close to my face and reminded me to breathe, I gripped her hand tightly and followed her voice into a room. This anchoring and reassurance calmed me considerably.

The midwives and my husband managed to take my trousers down between contractions and passed me the gas and air. I lent on the bed, gave a push and baby’s head came out - another push and his body. I was literally in the room minutes!

I sustained second degree tears (like last time) but would say these didn’t hurt and I was so delighted baby was here and not born in the car that I didn’t give a damn, holding him whilst they stitched me up and getting giggly on the gas and air about everything! Our lovely little boy was here and all was well. I had to stay in over night due to 850ml blood loss.

For second time mum’s I advise paying close attention to contraction times! It is different with a second and we left it a bit late to travel to hospital! However, I felt very calmed by the app and the breathing guidance that helped me stay focused and regain control. If you’re in doubt - breathe it out!

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