Birth story - Georgina and baby boy

It all started around 6am on the 1st May. I woke up to a back pain in my lower back, thought nothing of it as I had cleaned the house from top to bottom the day before and went back to sleep. Around 7.30 I woke up again to another back pain but this time it felt a lot stronger, I got up, went to the toilet and it happened again about 10 mins later. I woke my partner (Steve) and told him I felt something was going on and that I was experiencing back pains. He told me to ring the hospital to let them know but I felt I was maybe jumping the gun slightly and decided to wait and use the Freya App to guide me through the surges. 

At around 8.30 I felt it was time to ring the hospital, the app was telling me I was in established labour but I felt I was coping well with the help of the Freya app and that maybe it was too soon to go in to the hospital. I called the hospital and the midwife told me she was happy for me to come in but also equally happy for me to wait an hour as she felt I was coping well at home. I told her I would wait the hour and make my way in.

I jumped in the shower and started to deflate the birthing ball ready to take with me to the hospital.  Steve then had a shower and got any last minute bits together while I was rocking and swaying in the living room listening to the Freya app positive affirmations. 

At around 9.30 we got into the car and started the 25 min journey to the hospital. I found it very difficult to sit down at this point and was sitting on one side completely focusing on the app and my breathing. I now feel slightly bad for Steve as at the time he was trying to talk to me but I remained in such a good head space that I had almost zoned out of what was happening around me. The app made me feel relaxed and in control. 

Due to the Covid-19 Steve was not allowed on the ward while I was being examined, but the midwife soon told me she was going to ring him as she discovered that I was in fact 9cm dilated. 

It was perfect timing for him to park the car and bring the bags up as he knew I wasn't going to be sent home. 

We were shown to the birthing pool room and I climbed into the glorious water still listening to the Freya app and was offered the gas and air. I used the app and the gas and air with each surge. I felt the urge to push and the midwife told me to listen to my body. It felt good to push and I went with each feeling within my body. 


On one push I felt a sudden pop and release of pressure, the midwife informed me that my waters had gone but sadly there was meconium in the water and they were unable to get a clear vision of the baby's progress in the water due to the water no longer being clear. Therefore the midwives calmly asked me to get out of the water and informed us that they needed to transfer to the delivery suite to monitor the baby's heartbeat. I managed to get on the wheelchair and be taken round to the delivery room. Before they were able to put the monitor on me I had a large surge and birthed the baby's head. As I was totally in my zone I was unaware the head had come out and the midwife asked me to place my hand on the top of my babies head, the wave of emotion came over me that in one or two more pushes I would have my baby in my arms gave me the strength and I pushed as hard as I could and my baby was lifted up and placed on my chest. I had asked that Steve was the one to announce the sex, I was delighted when he announced that we had a little baby boy, weighing a very chunky 10lbs 4oz.


I feel the Freya app gave me the help and guidance needed to remain calm and positive throughout my labour. I am forever grateful and haven't stopped telling people about it since.


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Birth story - Hannah and baby Maisie


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