Birth story - Georgie and baby Zeph
❗use of word contraction, not negative to me
Its a long one sorry!! I found these stories soo helpful when pregnant. I hope this is equally as helpful for someone else.
I had really liked the thought of a home birth, mostly because of COVID and fear of not having my husband with me. However I previously had 2 early inductions (at 37+1 and 38+2 weeks) due to obstetric cholestasis and knew my chances of having it again were very high. So I didn't write a detailed birth plan but did have preferences for every scenario!
By 35 weeks my bloods were abnormal so I knew homebirth was off the cards and early induction was booked for 38+6 days. At 37 weeks I had urgent scans as I was only measuring 30cm but baby was totally fine and tracking average weight! At 38 weeks my bloods had risen dramatically so induction was brought forward to the next day.
Despite cholestasis I had an absolute dream pregnancy and really loved it. I remained very active working out throughout and really enjoyed being with my 2 girls through the lockdown and walking every day.
On first VE I was a little disappointed to find my cervix was still posterior (although 1cm and soft/'stretchy') and not favourable for breaking waters (I was hoping to go straight to it). I had the propess pessary inserted at 1pm and knew we were in for a long wait as they don't check you again for 24hrs (baby monitored every 6 hrs).
Having had the propess twice before I remained calm and positive. We used the positive affirmations loads. I hoped that things would take over naturally as they did with my second (she was born within the first 24hrs!) I also knew to rest and eat as much as possible so we had a lovely day focusing on getting the oxytocin going and watching funny things on Netflix.
At 24hr mark I was pleased to hear I was a good 4cm and (after the midwife pulled it forward-ouch!) My cervix completely forward and effaced. She was surprised my waters hadn't broken and gave a thorough sweep. She called delivery and we were excited to meet our boy.
I had the bloody show and we were doing everything to get things going but to cut a very long story short the following 12 hrs were hard going with several times preparing for delivery suite only to have the room taken at the last minute. At about 9.30pm I had a real emotional wobble and my contractions slowed considerably. I sent my husband for some food and sleep feeling like I'd ruined my own progress and exhausted with waiting. Finally at 2am we were taken to delivery!
They had a hard time breaking my waters as baby's head was tight against the membranes. I was strongly advised to start the gas and air after several minutes of up breathing and the midwife realising it would be tricky. Was glad I took it! Eventually they said hopefully it was done and advised going for a walk.
We walked up and down lots of flights of stairs and I had some fluid loss so we were confident it was the waters. On return to the room I had some more fluid loss and blood loss but was assured it was very normal. My contractions gradually built and soon were coming quite intensely every few minutes. No drip needed which I was relieved about.
I struggled a lot in this labour with feeling sick and the shakes, which I hadn't experienced before. I also struggled with really needing some more emotional support from the midwife who was very hands off. I asked for help several times and she said what do you want me to do? I respect she was trying to empower me and leave me in control but I really needed some more encouragement emotionally (my husband was absolutely incredible btw).
I had no more VEs which was great but a few times questioned my own progress and whether I could do it. I was having back to back contractions and my legs were shaking uncontrollably. At this point they offered me some pethidine and after being adamant I didn't want it this time, I am SO glad I did. I stopped shaking almost immediately and it gave me a few minutes respite to recoup and regain control of my breathing. I had definitely reached red zone thinking I was doing it all wrong and I was struggling to stay standing and mobile.
At this point the midwives changed hands and the most amazing lady Lisa was just what I needed telling me to trust my body and to not be afraid of my own strength. She was just incredible I was so glad and grateful she came.
The pushing stage was the longest of any of my births and was really hard work physically. I really felt him coming down and bobbing right back up again. I had forgotten all about down breathing and realised I was still up breathing so changed my breath and it helped loads.
I moved to the bed on my knees and birthed his head. It felt like ages before another contraction and everyone was saying he was gorgeous with loads of hair. I knew he looked just like his sisters. Lisa kept saying 'don't cry yet little guy' and I was so relieved to hear that he was trying to. The next contraction finally came and I felt him unfold as he made his way into the world. I swear I felt every limb on the way out. I grabbed him up from between my legs and sobbed my heart out. He was 6lb 15oz of perfection.
No stitches needed. We had delayed cord clamping and I cut my own cord (hubby didn't want to) which was amazing. Loads of golden skin to skin, feeding and toast! Hubby had skin to skin while I bathed afterwards.
Physical recovery has been a bit harder this time but almost 2.5 weeks in and getting back to old self. I struggled to see my birth positively to begin with because I felt I coped worse than my other 2 and that I lost control but we spoke it through and my husband said it didn't seem like I lost control at all and the midwives commented on how calm and relaxed I was and how great my breathing was which made me feel much better.
The PBC course gave me empowerment and trust in my decisions and a better understanding of my body through the process. I didn't find Freya particularly helpful but the positive affirmations and breathing techniques were invaluable.
I am now reflecting on all three of my induced births and feel incredibly proud of myself. It might not have been the natural labour I hoped but it was empowering and beautiful none the less.
You got this mamas 🧡

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