Birth story - Frida and baby Eila

Been terrified of birth my whole adult life and put off getting pregnant due to that reason. Became pregnant by accident in January this year and had to take the bull by its horns so to speak πŸ˜†

Got amazing support from my midwife, psychologist and the hospital who has got a special unit for people that are scared of giving birth. This got me to the point of where I felt like I am going to survive and get through it so I wasn't nervous anymore HOWEVER.... when I found out about the positive birth company and hypnobirthing I realized I could do better than just surviving it πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

Surges started Friday 19 Oct in the evening just after my mucus plug went away. Continued days as normal as these surges were nothing whatsoever to care about (and I didn't even know that's what they were πŸ˜†)

On Saturday evening I was out riding my horse and afterwards fed all my horses on the quad bike as normal and at 7pm we watched some series on the TV when I suddenly realized surges was getting stronger, but still no problems breathing through. Husband wanted to take the dogs to the neighbour as we earlier decided we would do but I said "don't be silly, I'm nowhere near giving birth"

One hour later they were 3 in 10 minutes but still a walk in the park so I didn't believe that this was actually it so continued for another 2 hours at home before they were getting strong enough for me to say "hm.... Maybe you should take the dogs away?"

He came back 20 min later, I had surges every 2 min but could still pack the car up perfectly well by myself. I had my tens on which probably helped a lot.

80 min drive to hospital, no worries..

Got in through the doors of the hospital at 00:30 and then they got stronger immediately as if they were waiting for me to get there.

Got examined right away and was 5 cm dilated (I thought I had gotten nowhere and would be sent home so got a shock there) Went straight in the bath which was wonderful and started with some gas and air to help relax me a bit more.


When I felt like that was enough I hopped up on the bed and the serious work started...strong surges with no break in between led me to accept an epidural so I'd get a rest because both me and midwives expected a loooooong birth.

I got 2 hours of rest and then as I was gonna ask for a top up everything started pushing down! I was not prepared for it so did not do the down breathing cause all I could do was push, I had no choice... 20 minutes later Eila was born 😳😳😳


I got 4 minor scrapes on different places that needed 1 stitch each but because Eila was out so fast it didn't give her chance to empty her lungs properly so after about 5 minutes they needed to cut the cord and take her for some air and clear her lungs. She was back with me after 30 minutes for a little while but had to then spend the night in neonatal care so they could keep an eye on her which I didn't mind at all..


Not at any point of the delivery did I tense or hold my breath (except for some pushing in the end) I did not panic, I joked around with the midwife but did say a few bad words when it got a bit too strong here and there πŸ™ˆ oops..

Afterwards I felt like even if I don't like to do it again tomorrow, I'll gladly do it again at some point!
Eila, 8,1 lbs (3,7 kg) 51 cm long.
Very positive birth!!



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