Birth story - Francesca and baby Ted
*Trigger Warning* - Images of cesarean birth and description of previous traumatic birth.
Previous birth
This was my second pregnancy after a traumatic first birth in 2019 which ended in preeclampsia, an emergency cesarean section at 38weeks and a healthy baby boy, followed by hypertension, postpartum depression and severe anxiety for the first 8 months postpartum.
My first son was conceived through a fertility clinic with the use of Clomiphene after undiagnosed infertility most likely due to having Endometriosis. This pregnancy was naturally conceived a month before our wedding!
This pregnancy and birth
I had a great pregnancy and found out I was pregnant 5 days before my scheduled period the first time trying after following my cycle. Nauseous and bloated for the first trimester (on our honeymoon ha!). My midwife suggested the Positive Birth Company course after realising I had quite bad PTSD from my first birth.
I was determined to have a positive pregnancy this time around and focus on my mental health. I found the course invaluable and it reshaped my entire thinking around birth and gave me the confidence and strength to be mindful of my thoughts. I implement a lot of the things into everyday life today.
Ted was healthy and perfect the entire pregnancy and I continually said to myself my body and baby is giving me no reason to think I can’t do this. I live in Wanaka NZ and it has no birthing facilities for a VBAC or high risk birth. My only option for this was to birth in a hospital 3.5 hours away! I booked an air bnb 30 mins from the hospital in a relaxed beachside town for when I turned 39 weeks and decided to treat it as a holiday with my husband, toddler and Mum until my body & baby decided it was time to go into labour - hoping he wouldn’t come before then!
At 36 weeks I had an appointment with the obstetrician at the hospital to go over my birth options as I was a previous cesarean - this is standard protocol. I originally chose to have a VBAC which was absolutely fine; but I was told I would need to come into the hospital as soon as I went into labour, have an IV line put in and a dose of antibiotics as I was Strep B positive; monitoring and there would be a time limit on how long they would be happy for me to labour for. I was also told that at a week past my due date I would need to be induced. This triggered my anxiety as these were all things I didn’t want and doubt started to creep in.
I went back and re-watched a few of the PBC episodes, took my time with my thoughts, printed out some positive birth affirmations; put them around the house and decide what I really just needed and wanted was a bit of control.
After using my B.R.A.I.N I decided to book in for an elective Cesarean after my due date as I had decided if I was to have Ted by VBAC, it would happen by then and I didn’t have my heart set on a vaginal birth just a positive one with the least risk to my mental health. I knew by this point what my boundaries were with birth.
On the 13th I noticed reduced movements so I went in for monitoring for peace of mind and was offered a stretch and sweep. Ted was absolutely fine with his heart perfectly beating away. I immediately declined the stretch & sweep out of fear but once I explained this the midwife she reassured me that she would only start by seeing were I was and then we can decide if she continued or not. I consented and practiced my breathing techniques as it happened but I wasn’t dilated or effaced so we stopped there and then. It wasn’t painful at all. I was so over being pregnant by then and just genuinely huge and now knew the likelihood of me going into labour soon were slim. I was so ready to meet him.
My elective date came. The night before I washed my hair, straightened it, put on a face mask and pampered myself. Going into the hospital I was nervous but kept telling myself “we’re going to meet our baby” and my husband was really excited which helped. My Mum sent me videos of my toddler down at the beach and it helped distract me and think happy thoughts.
Once in hospital the IV was put in, gown on, compression tights on and we were ready to go. I decided to take a nap as we waited our turn and felt so relaxed. The Anaesthetist came in and explained her part and then I was wheeled off to theatre in my bed. It all happened so quickly. Once in the theatre waiting room the surgeon came out and it was really so casual, I asked for delayed cord clamping and for Ted to be put on me straight away. It was like I was ordering McDonalds it was like nothing out of the ordinary ha!
A few minutes later I was wheeled into surgery. The spinal block was put in alongside morphine and it was a slight sting and warm feeling in my bum but truly nothing painful and that was it! I lay down on the surgical bed, a catheter was put in and I was asked if I could feel anything & away they went!
Ted was born a short while later, healthy and happy. He was put on me and it was such an amazing experience. In recovery he latched on straight away.
Recovery was a lot easier than my previous section and pain free thanks to medication. I stayed in hospital 3 nights and was ready to go home and let our toddler to meet his little brother! Everything came so naturally and easily afterwards; breastfeeding etc. I’m confident in my decision making and know ‘this too shall pass’ when it all feels a little hard. I felt so incredibly proud of myself postpartum and Ted has been an absolute dream and breeze. I know this is down to all I have learnt through the Positive Birth Company course. A truly positive birth.

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