Birth story - Francesca and baby Olivia


I started contracting at around 5am on Tuesday 4th august and contractions were coming and going all day. I lost my mucus plug that morning also so I knew things were beginning to happen. Towards the end of the day they were getting closing together and I began using the Freya app to time surges.

I knew under the current climate I wanted to hang on as long as I could so my husband could be with me as soon as I got to the hospital. My surges got to approx 4 minutes apart and were lasting around 40seconds-1minute. I decided around 9pm that evening to go in. I was assessed but sadly was only 1cm dilated and came home. I had a bath and tried to sleep that night. The surges gradually lengthened out again and had bigger gaps between.

Weds 5th August came around and the surges began again, throughout the day getting closer together and longer. By wed evening I was using the Swiss ball and my husband was rubbing my back through each surge along with using the breathing techniques I learnt in the pack.

Again at around 9pm that evening I went back in to be assessed as the surges were a lot stronger now. I was 3cm and my waters broke at the same time. My husband was then allowed in and I was escorted to the birthing centre (mulberry centre) at Frimley Park hospital.


I used the rope swing and Swiss ball along with a little gas and air to help me with each surge that came and again my husband and rubbed my back and assisted me with counting and breathing. I took a long time to get past 3cm and was started to feel a little deflated. By 1/2am I was feeling tired and also in more pain. I decided to try the pool for some pain relief, this really helped me to relax but after around 90 minutes I decided to come out and go back to my room.


I was assessed again and was 6cm by now which was great. The pain was ever increasing and I was asking for an epidural. The midwives and my husband were so encouraging and helped to keep me calm and make the right decision. I ended up staying and I had some pethidine to help with the home stretch. Once I had been given the injection I calmed more and was still using the breathing techniques through each surge. 90minutes after leaving the pool and having the pethidine the midwife encouraged me to let my body do what it felt like it needed to do.

I really relaxed my legs and went with each surge that came and at 6.40am my beautiful daughter Olivia Rose was born. A diddy 6lbs 11oz but healthy and happy.


Her heart rate was also monitored throughout the labour and she was calm throughout. I did have a minor tear which was sorted soon after birth and I went home early evening the same day with my husband and new little bundle.

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