Birth story - Felicity and baby Noah
Good afternoon ladies and gents!
Well, after a scan and seeing the consultant on Tuesday (36+4) my little boys estimated weight seemed to of dropped and there was question of slight fluid loss. Due to a few other factors the consultant suggested we wait until I was 37 weeks (friday) then either sweep or induce, as baby was ready but needed an extra push, and it was safer for him to be out than in. Of course, my husband and I used BRAIN to guide our discussion with the consultant and we agreed.
Fast forward to Friday, we waited all day for a phone call to tell us when to head in as they were busy. We were walking the dogs when I suspected I was having surges every 6 minutes. By the time we walked home they were getting stronger. The hospital then rang to say they were ready for us so we headed in.
We arrived about 6pm, the surges became irregular and reduced. I was examined and was 2cm, baby's head was so far down they could only just feel it from the outside, so the consultant gave me a sweep and inserted the hormone pessary for 12 hours. My consultant knew how much I wanted to hypnobirth in water and said I was favourable and would do what she could to ensure it happened.
Surges were pretty irregular throughout the night, some stronger than others, but I managed to sleep between them at times, and played cards when I couldn't sleep. I had dosed off about 4am, knowing I would be assessed around 6am and the pessary would have to come out, then discuss next options.
I woke at 6am to a pop and my waters had gone with a whoosh! Pushing the pessary out too, and surges started coming stronger and more regular. 6.30am I was examined and was told I was 6cm. They only have 1 pool on the labour ward and we were so lucky it was free. The midwife went to run it for me, meanwhile surges were getting closer and stronger. My Husband kept me grounded while I was saying I can't do it, he was counting while I was up breathing and kept getting me back on track while saying things like "you can do this, we are one step closer to meeting our baby" and how proud he was, how well I was doing and other positive affirmations that I can't remember (I just remember being impressed he had listened and remembered some!!).
Fast forward to just before 7am, what I now see was "transition". I wanted anything, something, as up until this point I had only had paracetamol about 11pm the night before!! I had a big wobble and made it across the hall to the birthing suite and into the bath, mid contraction, still begging for something. As soon as I was in the water, a midwife gave me gas and air, at which point I felt I desperately needed to poo, still up-breathing (didn't for a minute think I would be ready to push yet!!) And as I was doing so I realised I was mooing! The midwife looked down and said "oh hi baby, your making a quick appearance are you."
Almost straight after, I felt his head out, a bit of relief downstairs, then another pain, by which point I knew I needed to down-breathe. And there we have it. 7.08am Noah came into the world, through the water, gently to the surface. I had immediate skin to skin and delayed cord clamping and left to enjoy our boy with us still in the water and my husbands upper half almost in where he was holding me from behind 🤣
A lot faster than expected and I felt every single bit of it, completely natural, using the hypno-birthing techniques learnt from the Positive Birth Company digital pack, as well as birthing in the water. The induction was not part of my birth plan but everything else went exactly how I wanted it and I am so so grateful to the amazing consultant I had and Siobhan Miller for creating the digital pack. I'm in love with my little family, and so happy I got the labour and delivery that I wanted!! 💙😍

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